I think Afghanimal has a point, I know the only reason I keep coming back to nintendo is for it's old-school, calling it a Kid system is hardly true, call it an old gen fan base.
>a superior console at less than half the cost.
Superior, how? I've seen nothing from the nintendo revolution that makes it more superior than anyother console. and DMC4 and MGS4 are the only two good games on the Sony playstation 3? Well that's one of the most dipshit opnions i've seen so far, makes me wonder how you got around with playing Mario and Zelda based games all day. Superior features. The complete backwards compatibility along with the console are far better than ANYTHING PS3 has to offer. And yes, as of now, those are the only real games of interest on PS3. And for the record, I don't play Zelda. And is that really true about the Wii.. (god I can't stand to say that.) having 4 controller slots? Yes, it is. Animal, Nintendo isn't just for kids. If they had supported internet play for some of their big name titles, GC would have been THE best console of the last generation. They had the best party games on the market, and now with Rev you will be able to play them online. Just because they don't have particularly violent games doesn't mean they aren't for kids. Compare the game base for the Xbox to the GC....GC is the winner by a long shot. And it doesn't matter how much money you make, $600+ is TOO MUCH for a system. KEep in mind, more than half the sales of these systems will NOT be coming from people like you, they will be coming from parents getting the system for their kids. The PS2 was so succesfull because it could be afforded by so many, not so for the PS3. And yes, coming out late is a MAJOR disadvantage. It gives your competitors a running start and makes your launch an uphill battle, as the competitors have already proved their systems worthy investments. |
There is no way in hell that the revolution will be superior to the ps3, just look at the market, ps3 is for people of all ages(1), xbox tends to go for the older kids and nintendo goes for the lil ones(2).
1.The only good games on the PS2 that kids could play were Kingdom Hearts and Katamari... 2.So Resident Evil 4 was for kids? The adults and older teens that play xbox have money. You've never played Halo 2 online, have you? It's FULL of 8 year olds. The adults, teens, and preteens, and kids that play playstation have money or get money from mom and dad. But will mommy and daddy REALLY fork over $600 for something that looks like a grill?(http://www.ps3grill.com) the Kids, or nooobs or nerds, that play nintendo are either fans of the classics or are just pathetic and either are lacking in good judgement or just plain retarded. And thats why plenty of people play it, right? I admit that whatever I said will probably be ignored by fanboys and such, and it wont stop millions of people from buying PS3, but look at it this way: The companies don't give a damn if the other companies make more money. Nintendo is the company that is dedicated to gaming, and have decided it was time for video games to evolve yet again. Every title that will be on the Revolution can be completly original in terms of gameplay. And don't bring graphics into this, only tools are biased by graphics. |
If Nintendo makes games for kids, then why aren't kids running around with boners from FEEL THE MAGIC XX:XY?
Metroid is for kids? DON'T MAKE ME FLAME YOU, ANIMAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111!1!!1!!! |
Heh, I made a message about this with facts supporting it and everything on Gamefaqs, got my account suspended and my alt account banned. >_>
I couldn't be bothered to read all the replies. But Nintendo when it first came out (NES ETC) my uncle played it. I went to his house the other day and told him about Wii...he then said "im to old for games". I agreed with him because hes like 30, married etc. Then i go..."it has the super nintendo and oldy games". Then i saw a new side to him. He chucked me off his laptop and started browsing game spots e3 x_x. So i would say nintendo uses a childish creation but a mature game play. Dont know if that sounded right, hard to explain. But all i know is sony smell. Wii for teh future of futures o_O
you also for get about the fact that the Wii has said its not next gen.
Also i think the PS3 will bomb also but there are 2 diff types that you can get just like the Xbox 360. So the price will be cheap and high. You also gotta look at what you getting HD dvd play back and the High def player witch by it self is 1700$ and the Blu Ray by its self is the same price. that should be enough to get it |
Nintendo has made money off of kids games in the past. I agree, many games from Nintendo are not aimed at just adults.
Instead they are aimed at ALL people. Not just kids or adults. Mario Kart DS, Super Mario SunShine and many other games are rated for children, but that does not make them any less fun. How dare you insult Poke'mon? When it first came out, it was one of the most popular and fun role playing games out there and it still is. Nintendo isn't doing anything different then SquareEnix is with their Final Fantasy Series. Except theirs are usually rated Teen or Mature. Besides, if you have paid any attention to Nintendo, you would know they do not just cater to child rated games. They had the entire resident evil series up to RE4 on the gamecube, and they were awesome. Nintendo has a great collection of both children, teen and adult games. They do not just cater to one age or another, they make all games fun. And thats why I like Nintendo. I loved Resident Evil 0 and 4 and I also loved Mario Party 6. Also, even though most of the time, most Nintendo systems are underpowered compaired to other systems, that does not mean they don't have advantages. Did you know that the N64 could process more polygons then the Sony PSX? Yeah I bet you didn't. Don't bad mouth a company with useless arguments that have been used to death. I don't like Xbox and you wanna know why? Because out of the library of Xbox games, 40% Are FPS, 40% Are Sports and the other 20% are all the other types of games that I actully enjoy. I have a Xbox, a modded one and I own like 3 Xbox games, thats it, my Xbox is used for emulation of other systems instead. Isn't that sad I am using a Xbox system to play other games? |