OK, based on what is known about the PS3 so far, and some of the incredibly stupid things Sony has done regarding it, I can't help but believe that Sony is going to be hurting when the PS3 comes out.
OK, first off, there is the price. They've already said in an interview with EGM that it will probably launch at around $600, IIRC. I'd quote it accurately, but all my copies of EGM are packed up for moving :/ This is in addition to talk about possible cost of $700 or more, though I don't believe it. This is going up against the Revolution(Not going to call it by the new name ;_;), a superior console at less than half the cost(If you don't know, chances are the Revolution will launch at $200, like every Nintendo console in history, $250 at most).
Then there are the games. PS3 games have been on showcase for awhile now, and the only games of interest it has are DMC4 and MGS4, one of which could possibly be horrible, following the story of the worst in the series.
Then the delays. Sony is giving the Revolution and the 360 alot of time to gain a serious head start(Last I heard, it wasn't set to be released until next year), meaning it is going to be at a major disadvantage when it comes out.
Then there was a particular comment in the same interview I got the aforementioned price from, where they interviewee said that one of the reasons the PS3 will be so expensive is because people were so willing to pay so much for the 360. Purposfully overpricing your system is one thing, but doing so and admitting it is just downright retarded.
There have been other stupid mistakes on Sony's part, but those are the major ones. In short, Sony is going to be hurting when it comes release day.
![]() May 2 2006, 7:02 am
I don't see how releasing it late is an entirely bad idea. I mean, yeah, releasing first is always best, but releasing two at the same time is horrible. If one goes first, people buy that. If another comes out a year and a half later, people may have saved up enough money to buy the new one. Plus, by the time PS3 is released, everyone will have realized how much XBox360 sucks, and the PS3 will be the new cool thing to have.
releasing first is always best This is not true. Releasing last is obviously best, When you have a chance to see what your compitetion has, You have a far greater chance to be superior. Example. Game whise the Xbox wasn't superior to the PS2, However graphic and capability whise, it was the obvious superior. The Xbox released FAR after the PS2, And Raising the price just because of competitors..? I just don't see that happening. The only reason people bought the Xbox 360 for so much is on the first few shipments there was a shortage. So unless sony deliberately gives out small shipments of the PS3, It won't happen for them. In short.. If thats true Sony must have some Dumbasses for leaders. |
Nintendo is setting itself up for a great new generation in video games and sales..
Nintendo has already stated that the time for sheer hardware power alone is gone, and that developers need to start thinking about other things to enhance the gameplay expierance. I agree with Nintendo. Sony is releaseing a powerhouse system, that pwns the new Xbox and the new Nintendo combine, but it costs 3 to 4 times as much as either system. And what for? Frames we can't even see with the human eye? There is no reason to have to pay for something we physally can't even see, its fucking silly. Nintendo has always been good about analying hardware, the current market trend and games. You need to remeber out of all three companies.. Nintendo is one of the oldest (they orginally sold slot machines and the like..) They study the hardware, and from there they decide what kind of system they can make without breaking the average gamer. Yeah, their system won't run circles around the Sony PS2, but it is only going to cost around $200-$300, have playback compaability from as far back as the 80's, offer online wireless access out of the box and even offer a new style of game play not yet seen. And people are still hung up on the controller. Get the hell over it. The Nintendo Wii offers up to 4 controller ports for Nintendo Gamecube controllers, that means that developers don't HAVE to use the new controller unless they want to. Besides, I am sure we will see some truely awesome games come out with the new controler idea. People bad mouthed the Nintendo DS for so long and those stupid Sony fanboys still do.. But that dosen't change the fact that the Nintendo DS is still doing better then ever, especlly compaired to the Sony PSP, but more and more people are trying the system and loving the touch screen. And just like the controller example, not all Nintendo DS games use the touch screen at all, or very little. Other use it for entire gameplay. Don't get me wrong, I love Sony and the games and hardware it has generated, but there is no way in living hell I will buy a PS3 for $600 when I could buy an Xbox 360 and a Nintendo Wii and still have money for a game. |
And what for? Frames we can't even see with the human eye? There is no reason to have to pay for something we physally can't even see, its fucking silly. I hate when people do this; it's capable of doing that, yes but that's not all it's capable of if you're going to get a Ps3 then you'll get next generation sound, graphics, and gameplay(Yes other systems will develier this only the Ps3's hardware will make it 10x better). 600$ is nothing, if you think it is i'll hate to see your face next console season. *edit* Heck, sony could've made us pay about 1000$ for the Playstation 3 so i'm greatful. |
I won't even be able to buy a Revolution. (I'm poor folk.) So what does it matter?
What do you mean SSJVegtr? Can't you read? Shades just posted that the console will have 4 slots for gamecube controllers which means devs don't HAVE to use the remote.
I make about a $600 a week where I work right now. So in all honesty I could afford to buy a Sony PS3 when it comes out. That dosen't mean I will.
Sony shouldn't be releaseing hardware that isn't ready for the public. When it is ready, the price will be cosumer friendly. I know a lot of gamers who wouldn't be able to afford a $600.00 price tag for a base unit system. And that itself is another large reason why so many systems failed. Many systems, developed not only by Sega, but by Atari and Panasonic failed laregly because of the large price tag. They were simply too expensive. Yes, they were next generation compaired to other systems, but they just weren't ready for the market. Next generation is all fine and dandy Rouge, but it seems like Sony is skipping one gerneration and jumping to the one after that. A price tag like that is inexcusable and will only hurt sony. $600.00 is alot considering you can get a next generation PC for almost that if you know what your doing, not to mention you can upgrade it for less then buying a new PC down the line. Sony can't make you do anything if Sony charged $1000.00 per PS3, they would lost tons of money. |
Agreed totally shades.
And is that really true about the Wii.. (god I can't stand to say that.) having 4 controller slots? |
Yeah, the Nintendo Wii has (I guess) what you could say 100% playback on the system.
It supports Nintendo Gamecube games and Nintendo Wii games both in the same slot. It comes with (I don't know how many) of the New Wii Controllers and then it has a side door, which you open up to reveal like 4 or so Nintendo Gamecube controller ports. Actully it is pretty clever. So even though they have that new controller, they still can use the old ones if they wanted. And like I said, the New Legend of Zelda, plays on the Gamecube, but if you have a Wii, it is supposed to have extra features and play with the Wii controller. |
I can't even afford a 360. $400 is to much for me. I would rather wait until the Revolution (Wii isn't the real name...) came out and get free online access.
Nintendo has made a HUGE success with the WiFi access things, by the way. Now what in your right mind makes you want to buy something for $600. WHAT IN THE FUCK? I'm going to be staright up for a moment. Unless the thing will jump over and do flips, cook me dinner, and wash clothes, I'm not paying $600. I get about $700 a month. I have to spend that on all kinds of things, like bills that I have with my cell phone ($110). I have to spend money on bills around my house. I wouldn't dare spend my measly paycheck on some game system that probably doesn't offer anything more than the XBox. For gods sake...what more can systems do? Graphics? Sound? What?! NOTHING THAT I'M INTESTED IN OTHER THAN GAME QUALITY! |
Seriosuly, I can't spring for a 600$ system, that with all signs, will melt, overheat,freeze and then laugh, when I get it.
I'm not paying more than $200 for any new systems. It's rediculous to spend any more than that.
I might wait for the price to drop to around 400$, and at least for the second gen, I don't want an Xbox-360 meltdown..again.
okay wtf
there is no fuking way in hell nintendo is superior to sony, the system might be over priced by alot and theyll probably realized that during sales and drop off like 200 dollars off the price. but that is still no reason to call nintendo revolution superior. nintendo is for kids. The only thing keeping them alive is the people that continue to play and buy the zelda mario and pokemon games.(wich is pointless becuase the classic ones are much better) After the N64 nintendo only did worse with the gamecube, the gamecube games had barely any fun in them. There is no way in hell that the revolution will be superior to the ps3, just look at the market, ps3 is for people of all ages, xbox tends to go for the older kids and nintendo goes for the lil ones. The adults and older teens that play xbox have money. The adults, teens, and preteens, and kids that play playstation have money or get money from mom and dad. the Kids, or nooobs or nerds, that play nintendo are either fans of the classics or are just pathetic and either are lacking in good judgement or just plain retarded. |
Superior, how? I've seen nothing from the nintendo revolution that makes it more superior than anyother console.
and DMC4 and MGS4 are the only two good games on the Sony playstation 3? Well that's one of the most dipshit opnions i've seen so far, makes me wonder how you got around with playing Mario and Zelda based games all day.