Keywords: interview

Journalism Interview: BYONDCast

Interviewed by Magnum2k

BYOND Journalism | Magnum2k's Page | BYONDCast's Page

Magnum Today I'll be interviewing the members of BYONDCast -- Oasiscircle, Bravo1, and Akto. Fugsnarf couldn't bere here because of some personal reasons. How are you guys doing?!

Akto: Great! As always
Oasiscircle: I'm doing great too, haha.
Bravo1: My arms fell off, I'm typing with my mind.
Oasiscircle: Sounds painful.
Akto: Ouch.

Magnum2k: Okay, first and foremost, how was the BYONDCast founded?

Akto: Well, Oasiscircle and I were working on Rocket Down and he got the random idea to ask me if I wanted to do a podcast. I refused and told him I hated the sound of my voice and would never do it.
Oasiscircle: And here we are.
Akto: About a week later I said yes and thought it would be fun.

Magnum2k: Interesting. This question is directed to all three of you, when did you originally join BYOND and how did you come across it?

Bravo1: A friend told me about BYOND and I figured I'd ry it out. I was very pleased with what I saw. =P
Akto: I have always wanted to make my very own video game and one day I searched for "game making website" through google and guess what I found. :D

Oasiscircle: Well, one of my friends from long ago invited me over, and when I arrived at his house I saw him on the computer making sprites for a Legend of Zelda game that he never finished. His key was PowerBracelet, or something along those lines. Ever since me and him started working on BYOND on our projects. And as I progressed and learned the language more and more I've become more of a community-goer rather than just a solitary programmer.

Magnum2k: Awesome! Do you guys have any specific areas you work in, such as pixeling or just strictly programming?

Bravo1: I do a bit of everything, but I think my strong point is programming.
Oasiscircle: I do have quite a long programming background of 6 years, but starting last year I've been starting a little minor Pixel Art work. Whether or not I'm good at it is debatable. I also like doing interface work and GFX work as you can see from the BYONDcaster interface. ;)
Akto: Hehe I dab in coding but I am.. dare I say.. a pixel artist

Magnum2k: Are you familiar with any other programming languages or only DM?

Bravo1: HTML and SQL, that's it though.
Oasiscircle: I know HTML and CSS if those count. Other than that very minor xhtml. And that's it. I do hope to learn some more later on as my programming "career" progresses.
Akto: HTML, VB(Visual Basic), C++, and Java.

Magnum2k: Let's go off topic for a minute. If it wasn't for BYOND, or if you haven't found BYOND, what do you think you guys would be doing? Showcasing your work on another gaming website or...?

Akto: I would be a professional game designer... haha I wish. I would probably have found another site or possibly would have just never got into pixel art at all.
Oasiscircle: I would probably be a soccer player. I had to give up my sports for more dedication to school and to my future. I would rather learn some programming than have a very very low chance of becoming anything more than a soccer highschool hero.
Bravo1: If it weren't for byond I'd still be with my crazy ex. She hated me using the computer at all, and I couldn't keep away from coding. I'm kind of glad. 99 problems.

Magnum2k: Asides from Bravo1 dealing with his lady-lover problems, do you guys think you will release a project in the future? Only the four of you? Fugsnarf included, even though he couldn't be here for the interview.

Oasiscircle: A project in the future, Akto and I have one now. But I don't think we should talk about it too much. A hint would be, if anyone's played my Kid Icarus recreation, they'd know the genre and physics we're looking for.
Akto: Hahaha
Bravo1: I'm working on something as well, but it's too far off for any insight

Magnum2k: What grade are you guys currently in?

Oasiscircle: I'm a Junior in Highschool.
Akto: Akto is in college.
Bravo1: I graduated college with an Associates in May.

Magnum2k: What profession do you guys have planned for in the future?

Akto: 3D animator or Graphic Designer.. I am currently going for my AS in Graphic Design.
Oasiscircle: I would love to be either in Networking or in Programming. They're just things that I'd enjoy doing and improving on.
Bravo1: I plan to do my own computer business in the future.

Magnum2k: Do you guys know each other in real life, or just online friends?

Oasiscircle: Online friends.
Bravo1: I didn't even know these guys existed till about a year ago. Akto from a month or so ago.
Oasiscircle: We just hit it off well, I guess! (:
Akto: lol

Magnum2k: Did you guys have problems adapting to DM, or rather learning the language?

Akto:.: Nope. DM is just like C++ :3
Oasiscircle: You know what, at first things were confusing, but after a LOT of reading of the DM Guide and a lot of invested time I picked it up and have progressed to the state that I am in now, and it was rather enjoyable, at that. I'm glad that DM was my first language that I learned.
Bravo1: I had a lot of trouble learning it when I first started. Basically the same story as OC

Magnum2k: Programming mostly involves an individual's problem solving skills and logical thinking, Akto can mostly adapt to that since he started off with an advanced language, how did you guys do in this area? Did you struggle trying to learn it?

Oasiscircle: I've always been really good at mathematics, so I guess I could easily adapt to reading how a computer would read a snippet of code.
Bravo1: Problem solvig has always been simple for me, I can narrow down the problem fairly quickly.

Magnum2k: What are your favorite games on BYOND and outside of BYOND(PC or Console)?

Akto: BYOND: Dragonball Z WTF BBQ 7 Reincarnation of the dragon x10 the third. Other: Minecraft
Oasiscircle: My favorite game on BYOND is definitely Cow RP. I've met so many people that I know still today from that community and I started playing it very early on in my BYOND career. And my favorite game outside of BYOND would be the console game Mario Kart Wii. Not very mainstream, but I find it really fun when I don't have to devote a whole lot of time to enjoy it just as much as I'd enjoy playing an FPS.
Bravo1: In byond: Castle. Outside of byond: Metroid Fusion
Akto: OMG Cow Rp was how we met :3
Oasiscircle: Yes, me and Akto met through Cow RP. That is a good point. (:

Magnum2k: How did Fugsnarf and Bravo1 join BYONDCast?

Akto: I needed more souls to devour.
Oasiscircle: Really, the same way basically anyone could join the cast as a guest. Just by contacting us saying that they're interested. We go through a little audio test and get to know you and then we set you up for the next cast. Not that we're looking for more permanent members, but it is fun to have guests on the show.
Bravo1: I was a guest on one of the livestreams and they really liked me.
Oasiscircle: We just knew Bravo and Fugsnarf better than most people. And they both have very good personalities for an all-audio show like the BYONDcast. Bravo1: It's because I'm sexy.
Oasiscircle: That too.
Akto: Lies

Magnum2k: So if someone like me, with a didn't-hit-puberty-voice asked to be a member of the BYONDCast, I would get rejected? )=

Akto: Umm... have you not heard my voice?
Akto: lol
Magnum2k: I'm afraid not. Can you sing for me?
Akto: Never
Akto: >.>
Bravo1: I think it depends on how you speak, not how you sound. If you're just like "lol, dude, totes, I'm awesome and super, I'm the best" yeah... no.
Oasiscircle: It's more about what you'd bring to the cast. The voice doesn't matter. The main things are knowledge of BYOND, personality, (sadly) microphone quality is considered heavily, and finally availability.

Magnum2k: What hobbies do you guys do when you're not on BYOND or on the computer?

Akto: Hang with friends, goto classes, draw, play minecraft :3
Bravo1: Wathing movies and tv shows on Netflix. Mostly Doctor Who.
Oasiscircle: I coach a rec soccer team, which is really fun. And when I have free time on the computer I love watching Youtube.

Magnum2k: What about the girls, any women occupying your time?

Oasiscircle: Nope. I'm completely single
Akto: I had a relationship with my girlfriend for 2 years but I moved due to college and we had to go seperate ways.
Bravo1: 99 problems.

Magnum2k: If there's anything to improve from BYOND's site to the pager -- or even some of the concepts of the DM language, what would that be?

Bravo1: User friendliness. DM is a harsh mistress.
Oasiscircle: I would have to say selective invisibility. It would give so much in to possible strategy games. And about the pager, I think it'd be really helpful to get more community blogs able to create "News!" rather than just the Dream Makers. Maybe a sort of, Featured blogs section.
Akto: I think the pager needs some more.. appealing changes.. not sure how but.. it just doesn't look great.

Magnum2k: Have you guys ever requested these features?

Bravo1: In many ways, most of them ignored.
Akto: Nope.
Oasiscircle: To be honest, the majority of the features I really want to see, along with the majority of BYOND, are very popular on the little-known Request A Feature page.

Magnum2k: What do you guys think about ripping? Also, if you could do something about it, what would that ONE thing be?

Bravo1: Rippers have no talent. That's about it.
Oasiscircle: Obviously the majority of BYOND has a very strong opinion about claiming other people's sources. I feel that people don't treat it as serious as they should, because in a professional environment it's extremely dangerous legally. But of course as BYOND progresses more into "professional-looking" game development support I believe the rips and rippers will eventually fade into the darkness of BYOND's past and the true art of BYOND will begin to shine in the public's eyes.
Akto: Ripping = Bad
Akto: :3

Magnum2k: Speaking about the progression of BYOND, do you guys think that in the future it will once be looked down as a professional game developing engine outside of the community?

Oasiscircle: I think that's the hope of any developer that wants something more than what BYOND used to be.
Oasiscircle: I definitely think that if the language continues to support more and more things that are staples in modern gaming, the games will continue to become more popular to outside communities.
Akto: I think it will
Bravo1: Yes, if it keeps progressing the way it has recently then it should become a formidable language.

Magnum2k: What has motivated you most to stay on BYOND?

Akto: Oasiscircle
Bravo1: Pixel Movement. Soft code and Hard code versions.
Akto: I got a little confused with FA's... but I believe FA's was more advanced... I find the hard code version is alittle bit easier to understand.
Oasiscircle: I think what really made me stay was just how dynamic everything is. Anything can change in a few weeks because of the active development team of the DM Language. We witnessed that a few weeks before where we learned that the pixel movement beta was coming out soon. If everything was static, I don't think there'd be much reason to stay for me.

Magnum2k: Do you think there should be more events within BYOND?

Akto: Thats what we are for!
Akto: :3
Bravo1: But yes, we can't be the only ones.
Oasiscircle: Obviously it's just what BYOND's looking for. I try to encourage people to make contests and events. People always think it's only about the money and prizes that you win in contests that happen rarely but to be honest, we've had a ton of fun with our small community of followers just getting together and playing some of BYOND's classics. So we hope to partially fill that role of event host, but also encourage other people to take the positions too.

Magnum2k: What are you guy's favorite fruits/dish?

Akto: I like... apples and grapes :P
Oasiscircle: I absolutely love apples.
Bravo1: Umm
Bravo1: Pineberries and favorite dish? Hamburger Helper. I'm dead serious.

Magnum2k: Akto, you said you know C++, Visual Basic, and Java, were all of these languages self-taught?

Akto: No, actually I took a 2 year programming class while I was in high school. It was really cool and I got to meet alot of new people.

Magnum2k: What gaming consoles do you guys own?

Oasiscircle: I have a Gamecube and a Wii.
Akto: Wii, Xbox 360, a computer, DS
Bravo1: I currently own none, but I used to have all the major ones. NES, SNES, N64, PSone, etc.

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The next interview will be between Akto, Oasiscircle, and I, the topic will be the game they are working on.

50% chance it will be an audio interview with a transcript. If we can somehow work that out.

After that interview, we may do 1 more, and then we will be on an 'interview break'. In that case, we will only be posting articles for a bit.
Oh my.. I forgot about the closing.
Lol... is what I have to say! <3
OMG! I loved reading this! <3 Akto! I am the head of the Akto Fan Club!
lmao! I have a fan club?
Akto wrote:
lmao! I have a fan club?

YES O.O! Of course out of the four you're like #1 in the Public Eye! I am forever an Aktoling!
Wtf!... o.o
Akto wrote:
Wtf!... o.o

D: Dont give me that look! Akto I LOVE YOU! I have your voice as my alarm clock!...wait >..> You didnt here that.
What in the world is going on here?
OMG... That must be a horrible alarm clock.
Akto wrote:
OMG... That must be a horrible alarm clock.

It wakes me up every morning with love and happiness :D

@Magnum >..> I'm showing my fandom!
Yeah.. sounds more like stalking. xD
Magnum2k wrote:
Yeah.. sounds more like stalking. xD

Call it what you want! Akto loves us and we love him!
<hides in a cornor>
Akto wrote:
<hides in a cornor>

Akto darling its corner, do not let your fear of my love cause spelling mistakes. I BECOME A GRAMMAR NAZI!
Akto wrote:

Well.. okay then...
Akto wrote:
Well.. okay then...

:D Yay Akto loves me!
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