Village Warfare

by Swirlz of Death
Village Warfare
New hub:
HIP HIP:HURRAY IT S BACK!!!!!!!!:D I am biggest fan
What is cap lvl?100?
hey when is the server starting again?
A guy said he will report me for reloging to use chidori heres what happened: Murk: Chidori!
Gokushin: stupes
Gokushin: Chidori!
Connection failed.
Reconnecting in 10 seconds...
I Like I Like
Phoenix(Deadbeamx) is high lvl and he still in tut now he is betraying and he wont leave the tut!
The fuck, Kei?
Is this a rip?
How long will it be down
put it up
It'll be going back up soon.
how much longer are we going to have to wait for?

The progress is on the forums, you know.
nice to hear :D
Sweet kei i hope its back up this weekend. One of the best NNG games on byond good job so far :D
Pretty much done, just have to do a few minor things and check over everything.
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