Keywords: game, host, hostable, hp, new
My new hostable Harry Potter game is finally released!Pets,diagon alley, custom names,and possibly an rp server coming soon!

play singleplayer and host the game

or look on the hub for hosted games.


Screenshots: HarryPotterTheWorld#tab=pics
Harry Potter...? Why not an original magic game that can get you somewhere?

I understand that it's a nice topic. But fangames like this usually don't move forward. Though, I do appreciate the original artwork and profressional look to it.
The artwork isn't even original, I've seen almost all of those icons before.
Yah,I always saw my old iconner on iconshare whenever he was online,pretty sure he was getting most of his icons from there,but he did a lot of iconning for other people,so i'm not sure,but I probably did about twenty icons after my iconner decided to take a permanent break.Also, darwin,I was really considering making an original game(and got about 1/5 thru it) but the coding was just way ahead of me.
How is the coding of an original game any different from the coding of a fan game? I'm sorry, but that logic is way beyond me.
Arcticblast wrote:
How is the coding of an original game any different from the coding of a fan game? I'm sorry, but that logic is way beyond me.

It was because the concept of the game.The other one had tons of quests,a huge map,and uber CPU issues.That was the biggest reason I quit it,i should of guessed that byond couldn't handle 1000 mobs on one map constantly fighting each other without lag issues XD
Most of the pixel art from the screenshots seem to be unoriginal.
You do know flipping the north/south state of an icon does make it the opposite automatically. Like in this uber fail screenie of the sofa
Reformist wrote:
SilencedWhisper wrote:
You do know flipping the north/south state of an icon doesn't make it the opposite automatically. Like in this uber fail screenie of the sofa

Flipping the north and south of a 3/4 perspective art piece is usually a really bad idea. That screenshot is a very good example. In my opinion, more thought should have been put into it before you started showing it off.