Sep 17 2011, 1:27 am
Society is society, and you need to deal with that, sure, but everything else you said is completely choice. You don't need to work to pay bills if you don't have them, you don't need kids if you don't want them. You just do what it is that YOU want, and nothing more.
How? Shall I use my 50 or so years of life to do whatever it is that I do and then just die? I know it seems as if I'm scared to die... but really, I'm not. I'm a little bit scared of what comes after.
There isn't much else for me to say. This is me, and I am just another human who can't accept the inevitable. |
I can't tell you what is after life, but I can tell you to enjoy life as much as you can.
Enjoy life. Ha. Thanks. There isn't anything else to do but be selfish and enjoy a few decades of life before going. No one has the answers I need, because we are all asking the same question. Some of us just hide behind society and hoards of fans and drama.
If everyone faced the truth, then maybe we could all treat eachother better, and the world wouldn't be as messed up. |
I like to think I spend my time making other people's live better over my own, so that breaks your rule =p
I could see through your posts your progression through religion, and it was quite fascinating to me. Honestly its the only reason I kept commenting on all your posts. Debates are not for those already steadfast in their positions, but for those realizing they are on the fence.
I went through a brief spell of depression after I realized how the idea of god originated. It sucks to know that after this you will sink back into non existence, and it makes everything else seem trivial.Why love if you will never see them again after 50 years? Why work when this is the only time you have? Why learn when all you know will return to a static state of nothing? But as of now, there is no way to stop it. As you said in your post, the only way to live on is through your actions and ideas you spread through your lifetime. If you sulk for the remainder of your days, you truly will lose everything. If you embrace your mortality, and live how would best please you, while helping as many others along the way, you inspire further generations to accept the natural progression of humanity and you live on with it. There is no objective purpose to life, only one that we find worth going on for. If someone thinks that there is no good enough reason to be here, odds are they aren't here anymore. Its up to you to find meaning, even if its as simple as just helping others to find their own. |
I am the opposite of you, I questioned my faith and found God. I was raised a Baptist, but at 13 I started to question whether God existed. At that time I was posting on a website called gamingworld, in the off-topic section I found a thread with people debating over religion. It helped me to actually go through the bible and read it, which had not done to this point. Any issue someone brought up about Christianity I researched, and questioned both sides of the coin. I found that as I did so it actually brought me closer, as I kept finding things that to me proved God existed.
So in the end I am still very much a Christian, there's just to much chance to say we spontaneously appeared one day. I mean down to every molecule on the earth it had to be perfect for us to exist, and in life nothing and no-one is perfect. The air has to have an exact percentage of oxygen/nitrogen/etc, the animals each have their own roles in keeping life going as do the bugs. The sun had to be at an exact distance from the earth, the moon as well. I could go on forever with this. Also another thing to note, your reason for becoming depressed at your "realization" could be as you said. Or it could be your falling away from God. I mean your replies to comments are showing themselves as well. If there is no meaning to life why live it? Why take the time to even write up this article? I still will never know why anyone would want to believe something like this. Anyways, not arguing with you in the least bit here so don't think that I am. Good luck in whatever you do with your life. |
Id just like to say that no sane scientist ever said we spontaneously appeared. Your criteria has backward thinking. Its like looking at a puddle filled with rain and saying that the pothole had to be the exact size it is to fit the water inside. The water molded to fit the hole, not the other way around.
The air does not have to be an exact ratio of anything to support life, nor does every molecule have to be have to be perfect for us to exist, and earth does not have to be an exact distance from the sun to support life. You're looking around and essentially saying that the earth is habitable so it must have adapted to support us, but its the other way around. The air isnt the way it is to support us, our lungs are the way they are to allow us to breathe oxygen. Animals didnt evolve the way they are to keep the earth going, they evolved that way to keep themselves alive. We are not the perfect distance from the sun. Earth could move backwards or forwards 300 million miles from the sun and we would feel little to no difference. Id also like to point out that you are only thinking of life WE know of. There could be a life form that lives without oxygen or carbon dioxide, but breathes in some gas we have no idea exists yet, or doesn't even have to breath! Or maybe a life form that can survive extreme temperatures of planets like Venus, or extreme cold like Neptune. |
I was saying that to shorten my post, but the Big Bang does say exactly that it did spontaneously happen. You choose to look at it one way I choose the other.
And yes, they do have to be exact for us to exist. If oxygen was a few percent more or less life would not be here, if the earth was to far or to close it would have not been inhabitable. In exact, I meant exactly what you are saying I just obviously worded it wrong and have to spell out everything. There are many other things I found to prove His existence, but anyone that has Netflix should watch: "The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel. That would explain things much better than I ever could. |
No, if oxygen was a few percent more or less carbon dioxide life would not be here AS WE KNOW IT! You are thinking that this is the only way, its the backwards thinking again. Evolution means we evolve to fit how the planet is, not the other way around. If the planet was different we would be different.
Also, the big bang theory is still very much a work in progress. Its not meant to be taken as the absolute truth right now, its well researched and supported , but there are still parts we are working on. For example how the mass that exploded arrived there, or if it had to appear at all. But apply this to your own god, if everything needs a cause and effect, how did god get there? And if he was always there, why couldnt the mass that exploded have always been there? And despite the gaps, its not logically acceptable to fill them with," IDK so god did it". |
As I stated, you have your view and I have another. That does not mean either of us is wrong, this is why I generally avoid these debates over the internet. It's much better to talk to someone in person.
But your just reinforcing what I said, if oxygen was a few percent more or less we would not exist(as we know it).. which is exactly what I stated. Also your "facts" are not proven either as no other planet has been found like earth yet. However even if one was found it would not prove God does not exist(same with finding aliens). I never said I don't believe in evolution either, I actually do. Just not macro-evolution. According to the big bang theory, they "know" already what happened. I watched a documentary with Stephen Hawking, he stated that it was caused by some "randomly appearing and disappearing atoms." Who's to say God is not doing that? How did the universal laws like physics come into effect? We will never know the truth 100% till we perish. The answer to your last question is simply faith, which is part of Christianity. This is going in circles as you can see, so I am done here. Just watch that documentary if you are open-minded at all to see my point of view and what made me a even stronger Christian, it's about a Atheist trying to disprove the bible but he actually does the opposite, and it's based on facts he found. |
No, what you said is that there would be no life, not that there would be a change. If you don't believe in macro evolution, then I don't even know how you could say I reinforced what you said considering those changes would have to take place over time. If god did it there would be no alternate form of life, because it wouldn't have created anything different than what we know in the first place. If you think that we are on a perfect earth created by god, alternate life forms of us would be impossible,hence backwards thinking.
Also, I'm confused as to why you think Steven Hawking is like some sort of scientific monarch that declares something to be true and therefore it is. Science doesn't work like religion, there is no decree made by one man and it's just accepted. Theories have to be scrutinized by thousands of others before its even acknowledged to have merit. High profile scientists like Steven Hawking have their "WIP" theories going viral like that because of their past contributions. And actually, we have found other planets similar to earth, we just can't get there yet. Try researching "Super Earth" ,"Gliese 581g" or "'OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb". |
I know I said I was done, but it's so hard to resist! Especially when someone is so misinformed about Christianity.
Obviously you have never read the bible, so you should not comment on it. God does not ever state He never created aliens, and never states He did. If they were found it would prove nothing, I don't understand why non-Christians have this line of thought. God in his power could have easily created multiple life-forms if he was able to create us. There's animals, bugs, and the sort as well so that makes no sense to say He could create earth but not another one. I mean He created the universe including stars/planets/galaxies/etc to show His power, so why not other habitable worlds? I don't think there is some sort of "monarch" in science, I know there are many theories and many people criticizing them. I was simply stating according to him there already is a "explanation" of how it randomly happened. I will have to look up those planets, thanks for pointing that out I didn't know they already found some(which would be awesome, I would love to someday have humans on other worlds). *edit* looked them up, the last on your list has been confirmed not to be possible to support life. The others are however still possible, according to the respective wikis. Pretty interesting stuff though, thanks for the suggestion! |
But... I ... didn't say... anything about the bible... or that aliens would disprove it. All I talked about was your claim that you stated life would change if the planet was different, when you really said no life would exist at all.
It's impossible to truly disprove the bible, because the claims are not all testable, and people will just change their interpretation of it. But its also impossible to disprove the greek gods, but hardly anybody believes in them now.(You know there's got to be a few) I think christianity, along with the other major world religions, have the same destination as every other religion that came before it. We can see the evolution of religion along with men. First, thousands of gods for everything imaginable, then pantheons, now single gods, and next, hopefully none. Although we may end up with half a god next, idk what people may come up with. As far as Lee Strobel, if that man was ever an atheist he surely didn't understand anything about the philosophy or arguments, considering he makes such common arguments that have been refuted many times over. Being extremely generous, he was probably a weak agnostic at best. I haven't seen his "documentary" but I have read his case for faith book. |
Boxcar was right. Debating is not for those who have chosen a side. It's for those who realize they are in the middle.
I guess there's nothing more to be said about the subject. I'll be leaving this up if any of you want to continue this trivial arguement or comment on the above thread. EDIT: I have decided to continue with my parent's beliefs. Even though I plan on picking up a Torah or Qu'ran and studying them, I'm more comfortable with christianity. Why? In my opinion, most christians tend to be nicer and kinder than others. Maybe it's because they want to please God or get to heaven, but they are (apparently) doing everything right. I won't just use it as a label. I'll actually do something important as a christian. Derp. |