Sep 19 2011, 6:43 am
Sideways it looks like Frankenstein. Pretty cute overall.
Abu I agree with the others but what they fail to realise is most bases look weird without clothes etc, when you add the clothes just make sure they flail with the body fluidly. The other constructive criticisms here would be to give the arm a little bit more of width to make it look like they have a little bit of muscle and arent stick thin with a huge a**, make the thigh to knee a little bit thinner , also shorten the feet in length and with on the walking and you should be fine to otherwise good job keep it up.
Ryuk25 wrote:
EnigmaticGallivanter wrote: Honestly you shouldn't continue any further with this base, you're old base looked amazing, and like everyone is saying, this one looks like a disney character. Even though you say its more suited as a forum avatar, I still think you should use it, along with everyone else. |