Keywords: game, play, xbox
If you hadn't heard or seen yet, Rockstar has finally released a trailer of Max Payne 3 and from the looks of it, it should be a nice adventure.

From what I see, it looks like a similar story to the movie 'Taken', except it's Max Payne and some random lass. I loved the first one and the second one was still decent (albeit not as good as the first), and even though Marky Mark made an irrelevant movie. I still think I'm going to invest in this... If I have time.

So far I have time set aside for Batman: Arkham City and especially Elder Scrolls: Skyrim

Arkham City

Elder Scrolls V

Between those, some wonderful indie games I'm discovering on Xbox 360 Live, school and the rest of real life. I should be rather occupied (With time put aside for game design however, no worries).

So what games are you looking forward to? Riddle me that.

Yup same with me SKYRIM!!!!!!!!! Sorry but Mass Effect 3 got 2012. Hands Down!!!!
I don't believe Rockstar can make a "generic" game. At the very least least they make Generic++.

Sadly I still have yet to get into Mass Effect 2.