Keywords: expand, projects
A while ago (~year ago?) I came across someone that decided to attempt to obfuscate their code (I'm guessing- it was a library, so it seems logical) by compacting it all into one line. This irritated me, so I took a few minutes out of my day to write this nifty little tool to expand compacted code. It is written in C++, source-only available as of right now, might compile some binaries later.

And on a side note, the project I'm working on is still under-way, I just haven't had the time due to school/work.
Yut Put wrote:
lololol i know that idiot

Oh yeah, it was you, wasn't it? Lol, I still have a copy of the 3D demo/library/whatever file it was in the folder with this library, but it had no marking as to who created it so I had sort of forgotten.