Class Difficulty - Medium
Normally referred to as Archers, Bowman are the masters of range in all RPGs. With their unique attacking styles and weaponry they can unleash a barrage of hurt onto their foes or penetrate them with a barreling burst of arrows. Archers master in keeping their distance and their trap making skills are their key to winning a fight. A unique game of Keep Away waits for anyone who chooses this path.
Brute - Yumi Bow
The Brute Branch of Bowman offers the players a heavy alternative to the generic Short Bow. Being as big as the players themselves the Yumi Bow is quite literally able to tear holes in people and objects destroying things in a single shot. Because of the size of the arrows and the bow itself it however takes alot longer to reload for the next shot, but who needs two shots when one can decimate your opponent? The Yumi Bows signature drilling passive allows the arrows a chance to continue pounding into the foe with a gyrating action, damaging them continuously for a few extra seconds. The wielders of the Yumi Bow are a dangerous force to be reckoned with against close range fighters and can somewhat hold their own against long range fighters if they don't miss to often because of having to remain stationary to fire their bow. But despite this handicap the Yumi Bow is definitely something for every Power Mad Archer to try.
Generic - Short Bow
The Short Bow is the hallmark of all Archers and Bowman, seen in movies and games as the one true bow of this class. It doesnt have as much power as the Yumi Bow or as much speed as the Crossbow but it does have a unique ability the other two do not, and that would be the power of multi shots. The user of the Short Bow can upgrade their skills by investing Skill Points and with each point invested another arrow is fired when the attack is used, they can also charge up their regular attack an unleash a barrage of arrows regularly at the cost of energy per arrow generated per second. And true to its Generic roots, the Short Bow has stackable boost and power that allows them to take foes down faster. This weapons only true downfall is its complete lack of piercing power, most of the arrows fired will either hit and fall from an opponent or hit and stick inside of their enemy and with each arrow that sticks it lowers an opponents movement speed by 1%! (CoughOPEDcough)
This is definitely going to be a fun class for those who like to run and gun or for the hell of it fire mass amounts of arrows at people.
Control - Crossbow
-Doesn't have a photo cause our artist doesn't like crossbows-
Now I motion you to the Control Branch and those lucky players will take hold of a Crossbow. Seen as a massive weapon of epicness, the crossbow is the fastest shooting of the Bowman Class and has some of the fastest reload time. Each of their shots are fired so fast that they are guaranteed to pierce an opponent causing Bleeding DOT. This makes working with a Crossbow Bowman all the better because you simply can fire away chipping at their health with arrows and bleeding damage until they die or somehow get close enough to you and kill you...then die. One of the few problems with Crossbows is its lack of damage, it more so depends on its Bleeding and Stunning Skills than anything else in its arsenal. Crossbow users do however have a neat trick up their sleeves and can call for the help of a Wolf Companion to assist them in battle, the wolf is able to attack and stun opponents for the user allowing them to keep their distance and continue to damage them. However if the wolf does die, the user must wait a while before calling for it again. Or have a Medical Class heal it back to health. The Crossbow Branch is the ultimate in Keep Away and will be interesting to see so many Wolves out on the field ripping people to shreds.
Hoping you enjoyed today's Class Session, I'll post another one tomorrow describing the Gunner class.
If you would like to join Fantasie and lend your skills to the game. Add me on MSN or Email me, most of the jobs are paid unless you out of the kindness of your heart want to work for free :D
Contact Information: [email protected]
Until the next time.
Dream On ~ Fantasie.