Well, I had one 45 minute exam today! So I spent 6 hours of my day playing my birthday present, Resident Evil 4.
This game rocks.
It's the scariest thing I've EVER EXPERIENCED.
Man I love it.
Happy birthday to me. =)
*edit* I'll be bored again tomorrow, so I'll write a nice review for Resi Evil 4. I suppose you should play the game to completion before reviewing it, conventionally- but I be a rebel! Stay tuned, homies.
Jun 20 2005, 9:17 am
Jun 20 2005, 9:19 am
best game ever... and so i've been called a twerp by a 15 year old ;)
good luck with "the mercenaries" bonus levels... 5 stars are a bitch at first, especially with leon... |
Happy Birthday.
So, your about 1 1/2 years older than me? I actually thought you were older...I expected 17. Oh well. I sincerely hope you have many more birthdays ahead of you. BYOND wouldn't be near as fun without you. ^.^ |
Thanks everyone. :p
Jamesburrow: You expected me to be 17? No way, I'm way too immature to be 17. Deadron: "Now you can talk to girls!" If only. :'( |
Actually, most fo the 17-year-olds are even less immature than the 15- and 16-year-olds considering they can actually get away with more.