I love to draw cars for some reason I just one day want to make my own car company called Darkzero. Someday I dream of being one of the best brand car companies in America, just Ford, Saturn, Dodge, Oldsmoblie, Cryislar, Ponatic, and all the cars the are best sold in America and are still in buinness today. I even made my own car company mascot for it. It's an man with wings running and his wings are in the back and look like arms but they're not.
You banned forever from posting that comment on my blog that was bullying now Bullying is so illegal now that if you bully anyone either real life or on the internet then your going to be in held in court of your state,provinces you live and you will under house arrest for doing shit like that...
You really need to learn how to be nice and need to also learn how to say postitive things out of your mouth instead mean negative things!