Apr 30 2006, 2:23 pm
Otherwise known as May Day.
"Sorry, I'm American, if that matters."
Sorry, BUUURRRNNNN international Workers' Day (a name used interchangably with May Day) is the commemoration of the Haymarket Riot of 1886 in Chicago, Illinois, and a celebration of the social and economic achievements of the international labor movement. The 1 May date is used because in 1884 the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions, inspired by labor's 1872 success in Canada, demanded an eight-hour workday in the United States to come in effect as of May 1, 1886. This resulted in a general strike and the riot in Chicago of 1886, but eventually also in the official sanction of the eight-hour workday. The May Day Riots of 1894 and May Day Riots of 1919 occurred subsequently. |
Also, in case you dont get the "mindless leftist violence" bit, thats sorta what the day has become, Unions go round flagging their stuff, and eventualy some of them have a scuffle with the police.
Germany had managed it almost as soon as the day began ! it was being reported around 5am on the BBC. The immigration rally thing, along with the american (by american, I mean mexico and south america) boycott of US goods is on today for linked reasons. |
Nowatimean Said:
What's that? Sorry, I'm American, if that matters. Don't say your sorry, and It shouldn't matter if your american. If you don't know something ask someone, if they don't know use wikipedia. I personally had to ask what mayday was in britain. The only thing I knew about it was the immigrants rioting on mayday. |
Sorry, I'm American, if that matters.