Today, I start college. I figured since it was the first day, it would be hectic like all the other first days in life. So, prior to this morning, I devised the perfect plan to get through it. What was it, you ask?
Drink a cup of coffee.
I hear older men say all the time they can't get through a day without their coffee. My Dad starts every day off with a cup himself. I've tried coffee in the past and hated it. It was flavorless and I would always forget to blow it resulting in a scalded tongue. I preferred downing 2-liter Mountain Dews - the sugar rush had me bouncing off the walls.
However, I'm becoming a man. Surely, my outlook on coffee would be a lot different now that I have facial hair and some bass in my voice. One cup of the freshly brewed beverage would grant me the power to overcome any obstacle the world presented me with.
This morning, I awoke and began my daily routine. I powered on my computer and proceeded to the bathroom directly across the hall. After relieving myself, I anxiously walked to the kitchen. There she was: the Proctor Silex Coffee Maker my parents bought not too long ago to replace the old one they had been using since '99.
I remembered my Dad's instructions. It went something like:
"You open the top, move this thing back, and put your filter in. Then, you measure how much coffee you want. Usually, you just need to fill it with water to the line with 4 next to it, so you put 4 spoonfuls of coffee into the filter. Move the thing back, close the top, and turn it on."
I followed these steps, and after a few minutes, the moment of truth had arrived. I grabbed the pot and poured the drink into my Styrofoam cup that I had placed nearby the maker. It was pretty hot, so I didn't dive in immediately. You shall incinerate my tongue no more, you mischievous fiend.
I went back to my room and set the cup on my desk. After finishing up a game of HoN, I took my first sip. Boy, do I regret that.
Here I sit an hour after consuming this atrocity. Not only do I feel no boost of energy whatsoever, I also have a headache and a weird feeling in my chest and abdomen. The coffee was bland ( the "full-bodied flavor" phrase written on the Folgers label is obviously false advertisement ) and somewhat disturbing. Another side-effect I'm experiencing is a frequent urge to urinate - it's like a laxative, except for number 1s instead of 2s.
My conclusion is that coffee is from the Devil. Instead of giving me that jolt of strength and alertness it promised me, it drained me of my life force and willpower like kryptonite to Superman. I will never understand why the FDA allows this poison to be legally distributed to millions upon millions of Americans daily. Never again, coffee. Never again. I vow to forever despise you.
I think I'll stick to my 2-liter Mountain Dews.
![]() Sep 6 2011, 5:52 am
Murrawhip wrote:
EmpirezTeam wrote: Honestly, this experience was so terrible I'm afraid to ever try any brand of coffee ever again. |
The caffeine in coffee is what gives you that rush. But you, being the mountain dew fiend that you are, are probably in need of multiple cups to get the same rush you were expecting.
Think of it this way. You're a heroine addict of the caffeine world (Mountain Dew) and you decide to try one OxyContin (Coffee) expecting the same rush... See where I'm going? Personally, I'm a diet coke fiend. I dabble in the dew on occasion but I prefer diet sodas. Hot coffee tends to make me sleepy, but I do enjoy Dunkin Donuts Iced coffee. I suggest trying one of those in the future. |
GreenMonkey wrote:
The caffeine in coffee is what gives you that rush. But you, being the mountain dew fiend that you are, are probably in need of multiple cups to get the same rush you were expecting. Ah, I see. Indeed I may have needed more, but still that doesn't explain the headache and awkward feeling I have and also the fact that the coffee was so flavorless, it tasted like I was just drinking warm water. |
Bitter. Very bitter stuff. I liken it to chocolate in that I can not take in much of either chocolate or coffee before I give up because it's foul.
Lol at this. Anyway I'm a fan of coffee but then again i have drunk some pretty sexy coffee in my time(costa/starbucks type stuff). Anyway the reason the older men say they can't get through a day without it, is because they have drunk it for so long that their brain now expects the routine intake of caffeine.
Without this routine intake their brain refuses to function in it's normal way as it craves the lack of the substance. Kinda like smoking with nicotine, understand? |
So basically, people drink coffee so much that they develop a dependency for it. =/
EmpirezTeam wrote:
So basically, people drink coffee so much that they develop a dependency for it. =/ It's like cocaine. |
CauTi0N wrote:
Anyone want to donate $21 a week for me to sustain my coffee addiction? I hear Nerfarious is pretty rich. |
Heart attacks are fun. They attack your heart, so it can become stronger, it's all part of your body's support.
My girlfriend's family(father's side) has their own brand of coffee, it's mainly found in Maryland, I've had it... I like it a bit.
ExPixel wrote:
ShadeCyberPlatinum wrote: |
Sir, I found your problem.