Keywords: design, game, philosophy
For those of you curious more about my methods of design, I wish to share my organization habits. All I've had to show thus far are a few screen caps of my interface as it develops.

Next to my desk sits a good-sized magnetic marker board, which I use to plan out my weekly goals and pin up any ideas I happen to jot down at work/school. Between this and a few document files on my PC are where the game's design currently sits. I do give myself reachable weekly goals however, and so far I've been able to reach them despite my having to relearn the entire system as I go. Luckily, one thing I seemed to retain was the ability to draw halfway-decent pixel art, but I can only usually do that well after I'm burnt out from programming. (Maybe it has something to do with switching brain sides?)

Anyway, here's a pic of my little getup...

Now I do plan on releasing more information as I go along, but I want to make sure I can juggle college, work and this project steadily before I try to explain something that you might never see. Worst case, I'll release this engine as a library. Best case, I'll have a working game in the near future that I can build upon. Just know that I do have more to this game worked out, other than the raw interface designs I've shown thus far.

So, I heard you were a WoW fan.
Yeah I love the entire warcraft franchise. I was into WoW from launch until a few months ago.
Interesting because I have been a fan of WoW up until recently as well.
You seem serious about your work, I'd love to see how this game turns out.
Yut Put wrote:
I threw my white board away when I taught myself how to use Notepad.

I deleted the Notepad shortcut off my desktop when I taught myself how to use comments in DM.
Whiteboards are for chumps, real men use bulletin boards.

Also, here's a pile of flow charts.
@Yut Put: Notepad just doesn't work for me, I like to have my goals in obvious sight. Out of sight, out of mind tends to be my motto. (I'm juggling work, fatherhood, playing games, making this one and now college)

@Rasengan3oo4: I'm pretty serious about this, it's an idea I've had playing in my head for some time now.

@SuperAntx: I'll probably be investing in a bulletin board as well but they're hard to write and alter ideas on. The convenience of the marker board allows me to write my tasks, do them, then erase on a weekly basis.