So I've listed bugs from time to time, and decided to release it here. Please do attempt to fix these, Zerok.
1. When Ino uses a dojutsu as a mind-controlled character,
she will obtain the effects after the mind control.
2. TOURNEY BUG: When a player kills another player or
substitutes down into the arena, the tourney will only have 1
round and become stuck.
3. TOURNEY BUG:When a player summons a mob (eg.
clones/summonings), it stays on the battlefield.
4. TOURNEY BUG: If the round reboots before the
tournament starts, the 'Tourney has Begun.' message will
appear and send players into the tournament.(This can repeat
continously making it quite a serious bug.)
5. [Oldbug] If you are hit by a bind and then attacked, the
icon of the binding jutsu will permanently attach to your
icon, even when not playing. (Fixable by relogging)
6. 2nd Mizukage with clam doesn't die from falling off the
7. TOURNEY BUG: Substituting in a match may bug the
8.EDO BUG: When an edo'd player uses a summoning mob
jutsu (eg, clones), it will damage the villains aswell if they
weren't originally from villains.
9. Absolute Camouflauge(Mu's jutsu) is only useable once.
10. Haku's Ice Spikes deal almost no damage
11. TOURNEY BUG: Gaara's sandhail can pull the
spectators in the stands into the arena.
12. Even if you substitute out of water prison, you will still
recieve damage overtime.
13.Asuma's Wind Release: Blade Manipulation does not do
any damage
14. TOURNEY BUG: A latejoiner during the tournaments
can run and attack other people. People who joined earlier
will not get damaged, but other latejoiners can kill one
another. This will bug the tournament.
15. Controllable jutsus such as Kusanagi, BugSwarm,
Puppets will keep the user alive until the jutsu has been
16. SCRAMBLED TEAMS BUG: When a player uses a
summoning jutsu (eg. Dog, Sharks), it will attack other
17. Chibaku Tensei can pull other players through the walls.
18. Almighty Push does less damage to players close to
Deva Pein
19. Picking a villain when its over the amount of heroes,
will show the message "There are too many heroes over
villains right now."
20. if Oil Clone collides with a summoned wall (eg
Rashomon), it will explode infinitely and become stationary.
21. When Zetsu copies Kakuzu and steals a heart, he will
only have 1 heart instead of two hearts in total.
22. Tsunade and 4th Raikage's legdrops get bugged mid-air if
they execute the technique above an opponents head.
23. Tsunade and 4th Raikage's legdrops get stuck when they
are genjutsu'd at the very moment
24. Genjutsu does not wear off when Tsukuyomi is used,
which allows Itachi users have an easy OHKO combo.
More will be added over time. this isn't all the
bugs ingame afterall.
![]() Feb 28 2013, 7:19 am
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![]() Mar 21 2013, 5:28 pm
Nicely done
Someone, give him credits for this...
Besides, you revealed the bug to everyone. Woulda been nicer if it was in Word Document and sent to the moderators on admin's chat. Indeed, Nicely done. |
Found a bug for tobi. ;o
If you use substitution jutsu get hurt but dont sub then use intangability with tobi then soon after use the actual sub you will gain infinite chakra. |
When you sub as edo the side whose has the edo will have 1 more person forever.
If a ino use mind-transfer and use a collateral effect attack, it doesnt hurt the mindcaptive sometimes it hurts ino.(eg, Curse Seal, Mangekyou Metter, C0:Auto Destruction) Sometimes ino can do a magic. she mind transefer and something kill she and the mindbeam pick someone. She die but controll someone. Sasori's puppets give more dmg and are more resistant (and quickly) when sasori is low health. Subs doesnt work sometimes you can click 30000000000000 times but it doesnt work. |