![]() Jan 12 2014, 4:23 am
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Here u guys have a unoficial byond hub (on it u can find naruto,dragonball,bleach games, and rips that are not listed on byond hub)
http://byondhub.blogspot.com/ : - We got over 70 + games - 200+ users evry day vist us site - Its free, Private, no-ads - U can gain easy acces to games - The hub is uptaded evry day It would be nice if u send this link to u friends, put it on u game etc... Virus total scan: https://www.virustotal.com/pl/url/ d92ed45c8cfa43b56139c87cb2528989d9e64c39e59c29c52da09f4545e/ analysis/ |
Prost wrote:
Here u guys have a unoficial horrible byond hub (on it u can find horrible games, and rips that are not good |
I'd like to apologize to all players of COSAB, especially the ones who were waiting on their purchases, for taking so long to update. My computer had recently broken down, and I had to get it fixed.
Updates will be returning to happening every 1-3 days. |
Bubba5444 wrote:
Thehumandog wrote: Best.Video.Ever. LOL |
... Saying this, a Kinkaku team killed me, I have a screenshot but I dunno how to post it, how do I post it? :/
andre try downloading something called gyazo it is very good for taking screenies.
Okay tf? PowerWoWTV just banned me on his sever just because i didn't wanna kirin somebody because i think it's freakin cheap and he called me a nigga so i told him to stop being racist... then in about a min he banned me. For no reason! exactly how is this even fair? http://prntscr.com/2rez4t
Pine Real has logged in. Um...... Exactly how are you banned o.o ? Get kicked for .5 seconds and you complain lol ._. Bitch ^
Pine, hosts need to use the *ban* button then unban to kick seeing as the kick button does not work. power could you please not kick somebody unless they have done something to deserve it? Also when you do this could you put the reason? thanks.
Except putting in the reason for a kick is pointless since the kick button does not work and you cannot put the reason in until after you ban, they would not see the reason until they tried to login again. By which time, they would be unbanned.
Really? when i booted somebody using the host's ban method i thought i was able to put a reason... Well anyways if your going to kick somebody please make sure they have done something to deserve it.
I want to make a REALISTIC FPS in Unity. LOUD Guns, Suppressors IRL bring the noise from 300WW (Loud AF) to 260WW(Still loud enough to make you deaf). I don't understand why game developers make Silencers/Suppressors do that. And, you would REACT to be shot. Limbs could be disabled, muscles could be cut, you could be poisoned, blinded, actual wounds so you lose blood while moving, and if you have a high heartrate, lose even more... Anyone wanna help? Models, Sounds, Coders, Mappers, et cetera needed.