![]() Oct 2 2013, 4:47 pm
... I doubt that XP, you need to leave too... even if not all day long
so in order to balance the game you nerf the Akat and make heroes stronger? Interesting...
If yu read what I said before. Everything had to be recoded in. Nothing was buffed or nerfed atm on purpose with some exceptions. Almost everything is back to normal and balancing is being worked on. If yu have some suggestions yu can tell me ingame or page me.
Hey guys. I'm back. Just got done moving to another state.
Internet is ... well, I'll let you take a look. http://gyazo.com/18c5baaffae2ef9402702fea3f0a4202 That being said, with a 62 meg download and 12 upload, we've improved over 50x from what I was hosting on previously. Feel free to come check it out. |
I thought that too! Since I got done moving, community has grown. 40 players at once is nuts.
Br server is going to be hosted by me Victorcoelh. Zerok is working on a Brasilian version of COSAB.
Server Brasileiro tera eu como host Victorcoelh. O Zerok ta fazendo um COSAB Brasileiro. |
Game breaking Hidan bug. He doesn't lose health, and it crashes the server.
Log here: http://gyazo.com/099b83a6283cad92872a71a712ee8f6a |
Someone please ban Ninja Pokemon. He started attacking me when I tried to enter Sage Mode making me try all over. Then he teamkilled me because I was in Sage Mode as Jiraiya. Apparantly he thinks this is alright because he doesn't like Sage Mode. After that he starts attacking me again and teamkills me again. Please remove this shitstain from this nice game, as I've understood from many others that he does this regurarly.