Naruto, Call Of Shinobi: Anbu Blackops

by Zerok Kaiba
Naruto, Call Of Shinobi: Anbu Blackops
War is a-foot! Heroes, Villains, Akatsuki. Choose your side in this new original Naruto Sidescroller!
I'm not pretending or trying to be anything, if you wanna take it that way be my guest, I didn't once state that I was smart. Maybe if came off as so because you're a idiot but hey sorry didn't mean to strain your brain with text. Regardless G-Killa, you abused a bug.
You. Abused. A. bug.
^ See that right there, read it again slowly then think about it. You're complaining and rambling about how your ban was so unjust but you seem to forget that simple fact that you abused a bug under the direct knowledge that you knew it was against the rules. You did the crime now face the repercussions and stop whining about it. Anyways, like Quay said this is getting pretty sad so i'm a just stop before I lose anymore brain cells trying to explain to this idiot that he did all of this to himself and is trying to play it off like he's innocent.
wow kid you put a lot of time and effort into this more then me and your not even the one that got banned sappose this ain none of your business fist of all so yes you already proven yourself to be a moron just by interrupting the posts. And like I said I the last questions ive asked when do I get unbanned cause you said when the next version comes out. you cant extend my ban for no reason so when are you gonna man up ramii and unban me
Want to know whats funny, how many people absed lightning field when they knew it was bugged and didn't get banned are you stupid? he banned didn't even give me a chance I think I would say hes got something up his ass
I could extend yur ban. Yu haven't listened at all, been playing since the ban. I think yu should be banned until V35. But meh, Ill give yu another chance. Yur getting no warnings so don't bother. Yu get unbanned in V34, or maybe not, seeing how yu keep playing the whole time on other servers.
Ramii you said next version yu cant bann me for 3-4 versions just for loggin blindness once get th dick out of your ass and unban me stop abusing acting all cool
Unban on V32*
Itll probably end up being 33 cus yu never really stopped playing. Aair will probably end up joining yu with that.
why hes got nothing to do with this I just kept playing because originaly you gave me a bot for loggin the blindness butthen banned me anyway next time I logged in I just said I seen lots of people abuse lightning field and you've done nothing about it how does it seem fair for me to be banned on first mistake since last few version ago when you banned me and heartstrike did tell m my warnings were wiped
OMG! Is this fight still going? i mean lets just settle this without The Angry face.its getting boring seeing you two fight over this ban thing.
G-killa, ffs stfu now, yur not getting unbanned and that's it. Yur banned through V31 EVERYWHERE I see yu. Aair is on a final warning for banning mods + Unbanning yu from ban files. Now just drop it unless yu wanna have an extended ban. Like seriously, don't even reply, this is over.
When will version 32 come?IT HAS BEEN ALMOST A MONTH?!Anyway,Calm,Calm,This Pic will make me calm

You ppl need to let it go G just play something else and come back another day or crap when v32 is released Ramii stop continuing this hes banned for abuse so just let it go dont keep replying just ignore.
Yall niggas still arguing
nice work X-PrincessMolestia-x ban me cuz i said u have some problem fucker
u think ur a boss cuz u have a server lil bitch
and not a single fuck was given that day XD.I gave you the love and tolerance 3 strikes rule.Your gone.Simple as that.Argument over and I wont be replying to any post you put out after this.
Guys...stop arguing. We need to agree with one thing at the very least. Nerf Mei's lava glob :DDDDDDD
ppl ban me all the time for no reason im not gonna say no names. *coughs* ItzKatie for example
Geeeeeez,it is a game,and people are complaining about everything........Why do you keep playing it if all you do is complain....
Molestia unban Istavan when yu host again, and istavan dont be an ass.
Gee What A Stalker

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