I still feel like either Rikudo needs a damn boost and KCM needs to be auto able to go into it since I have the fucking lock, I mean how is that even fair? It's literally robbery in a way. I mean more for the KCM. Also to say something if you have no skill and all power you're going to lose, also you have teammates even if your Juubi you can't solo an entire side.
^^^This guy right here is the reason the playerbase is trash. He's has one of the most powerful characters in the entire game, and just because he can't understand how to utilize it, he cries for a buff. Smfh, go practice or learn how to use the lock before you post stupid ideas like this.
Tawheed24 wrote:
^^^This guy right here is the reason the playerbase is trash. He's has one of the most powerful characters in the entire game, and just because he can't understand how to utilize it, he cries for a buff. Smfh, go practice or learn how to use the lock before you post stupid ideas like this. It's quite true that this game isn't pay to win, locks do require skill to be played, otherwise they can easily be killed. Even rik madara can be teamed by two people and die. However know how to use him and you can wreck anyone except kaguya. |
erm? im sorry skill to be played? yes im sure it takes ALOT of skill to use the OPAF locks... mhmm totally does <.<
She also has the shittiest chakra reservoir out of any healer, whats your point?
minus fuguki.. i suck at close combat.. i can kill with sakura.. she is unbalanced and can some how do "grund slams" when she aint even near the ground.. but your right she sucks... eh?
Theres a lot of locks that are OP, and yes, there are times when they will rape yu, and theres nothing yu can do to avoid the BS no jutsu, but if yur skilled, yu'll find ways to avoid the BS, not for sure, but yu have a chance.
You're right but I was mainly referencing the previous comments made by terrible, unskilled players, them saying that these broken as fuck locks need to be buffed, like Solobb. None of these locks are worthless, all of them are fucking powerful and the fact that people like you are QQing about the locks being weak is just pathetic.
It's one thing to complain about locks being too OP and requiring nerfs, that's understandable, but calling them worthless or too weak? You're just garbage then lmfao |
Heartstrike wrote:
Tawheed24 wrote: No, you can wreck Kaguya with Rik Madara, lol. All Rikudo Madaras aren't as bad as Antonio. (No offence pal, you need to work on it.) |
thats harsh don't say he sucks even if he does...say he lacks the ability to use something OP and not fail <.<
ItsFelix wrote:
http://www.byond.com/games/HulIfinator/NarutoTheReturn ^ dis guy. |
Dwice wrote:
roflmao? sakura is also unbalanced and highly OP in tai...try again later Shes not a lock, so i dont see the problem, im sure shes not the only non-lock that can easily wreck so called op locks. And anything that has to be earned each round is easily dismissable cause of that reason, espically when its not completely better then the character you started as. Someone is playing naruto and you dont want them to get some op form? Kick thier ass before they do. |
Thats exactly the problem, juubi has less worthwhile "technique" to use cause hiding in a dimension is very usefull.
And dragon bind would strongly disagree with you saying technique or skill matters.
If your idea of "technique" or "skill" involves auto draining all chakra and going for some sort of one hit ko that can be in no way avoided, we shouldnt be having this discussion. Its perfectly reasonable to expect a lock to be equal to non-locks if not better and definately superior to the form before it. Neither of those where true last time i played juubi obito.