love how i get host banned for using mizukage cuz some fucking retard goes "its banned" when its only oil clone and love how retards block tai with a jutsu absorb skill
1cez wrote:
Love how you bitch so much love how ppl hate so much and get me banned cuz they obviously suck |
To all Hosts, ban PowerWowTV if yu wish, since he has crashed servers after repeated warnings.
When I try to join the game I cannot see the game screen but I can hear the music, how do I fix this?
Welp, Ban Hokagenaruto, He host banned me for complaining when he kept bugging himself, and then when he announced "Stop complaining"I said make me and he host banned me. There's no rule that I cannot complain, so fuck off man.
Message from host:
I have a reason to bitch ^_^ Banned by host: Access denied. Look, another abuser, man new host these days, all idiots. Welp, this time he told me to Shut up, and I was like, No. and then he was like "I will make you" then banned me. -scoff- kthxbai, leaving this to the authorities. |
TheOfficialMidknights wrote:
There's no rule that I cannot complain, so fuck off man. i love that line ._. but woot @: |
Orochimaru and Tobirama's Edo zombies shouldn't be as strong as Kabutomaru's zombies.
Zen22 wrote:
Orochimaru and Tobirama's Edo zombies shouldn't be as strong as Kabutomaru's zombies. wrong the only reason hashi and tobirama was weak when oro summoned them is because he didnt master it, doesnt mean their pucnhing effects or nin dmg is effected...only the jutsus they can use |
Yo the games down the host prob fucked up. q.q almost lvl capped q.q