![]() Mar 22 2013, 12:39 pm
First of all ramii You haven't given me any warnings you lying sack of shit man that's was the first time you warned me with the boot aside from the warnings in V 29 when I was banned and you said all my warnings were wiped clear as in I got to start fresh so why do you lie to keep me banned why do you hate me much, you banned me for loggin in man of course when I didn't do anything after that warning because you hate me its a common factor of abuse really
G-Killa69 wrote:
First of all ramii You haven't given me any warnings you lying sack of shit man that's was the first time you warned me with the boot aside from the warnings in V 29 when I was banned and you said all my warnings were wiped clear as in I got to start fresh so why do you lie to keep me banned why do you hate me much, you banned me for loggin in man of course when I didn't do anything after that warning because you hate me its a common factor of abuse really Nigga u mad |
Ramii Im just saying you maybe gave me 3 warnings and that's when I already got banned from that, this is completely different like 2 almost 3 version down the road both you and heartsrike said my warnings after I got banned would be wiped and you caught me doing it once gave me the boot warnigthen I logged in and you banned me right away cause you ere mad admit and admit this is the truth bcause telling it no other way would be a lie
G-killa, yu dont wanna be banned? Dont abuse the same shit yu been banned for earlier. Yur fault.
where the fuck are my warnings everyone else gets warnings except for me how is that fair and the only reason its that way is because you hate on me and your always ready to bann me at every given moment for nothing man your a loser abuser
When yu first got banned, I was the one who got yu unbanned.
And why do yu need more warnings? Wasn't 5 warning's + a ban from a dif mod enough of a lesson for yu to NOT abuse the bug? Either yur retarded or tryna get unbanned and bitching in any way possible. |
RedRamii wrote:
G-killa, yu dont wanna be banned? Dont abuse the same shit yu been banned for earlier. Yur fault. that's the first time you called me g-killa btw your usually calling me gay-killa n2m of course im trying to get unbaned you said my warnings were wiped you even gave me the boot warning then when I logged in the next match you basically said fuck the warning and banned me for it when you clearly said I had a next time |
Im just saying to report you aswell you banned someone for doing it 1 time, not very fairall because you hate someone
Are yu retarded or acting retarded?
Yu had been warned for the SAME fucking bug at least 5 times. If I happen to catch yu using it AGAIN after that, im not gonna warn yu. Ps. If I hated yu, why would I bother giving 5 warnings, or even getting yu unbanned in an earlier version? |
why the fuck is kirin unsubbable.... its stupid af it hits a certain point like any other jutsu if ur gonna do bs like that then u might aswell make thundergate unsubbable
Thunder Gate Is So OP,PLZ make thunder gate can only be used if the user has mark the other person with a certain jutsu like we need to grand fireball then we can kirin.And i think version 32 is coming tomorrow?its been 3 weeks
also other people could do with a buff aka deva pain make his chakra disruption thing slow there movement and all peins should have that aswell as give him throw disruption blade and naraka punches should be op AND SO SHOULD DEVAS WHEN HE THOUGHT THE NINE TAILS HE WAS FAST AF
Harpie_lord wrote:
also other people could do with a buff aka deva pain make his chakra disruption thing slow there movement and all peins should have that aswell as give him throw disruption blade and naraka punches should be op AND SO SHOULD DEVAS WHEN HE THOUGHT THE NINE TAILS HE WAS FAST AF Nice spellling my nigga |
Thehumandog wrote:
Thunder Gate Is So OP,PLZ make thunder gate can only be used if the user has mark the other person with a certain jutsu like we need to grand fireball then we can kirin.And i think version 32 is coming tomorrow?its been 3 weeks Orlly 3 weeks? Damn was i that laZy |
Thunder gate isn't OP it doesn't take all your hp like kirin and it only attacks the first ppl on the list. It also say green words in chat so u should know when to sub when your first on the list.From kirin u can't sub but from lighting u can so if u can't that marking u have to make it so u can't sub from it and it takes all hp.