Naruto, Call Of Shinobi: Anbu Blackops

by Zerok Kaiba
Naruto, Call Of Shinobi: Anbu Blackops
War is a-foot! Heroes, Villains, Akatsuki. Choose your side in this new original Naruto Sidescroller!
Next update? Zerok haven't came on for awhile....
Go to Commands

Go to Help File

Go to What's going to be in next Version...

Exit it out of the game

Don't come back on until the Version 25.

Get on World of Warcraft.

Meet a woman.

Go to hers house IRL.

Have fun.


Zerok is busy working on the future updates and have school works to do. Please do not try to disturb or bother him.. It's a troublesome... Ya know?

whats the (8.)*secret* in the game
170th comment MUHAHAHAHAHA
Hey Dx ADMIN you baned my 3rd account and it was not involved wtf was that and you kicked me in the midle in round and how long will ban last?
Falcon, I can careless if anyone doesn't like me.
If you have problem of the things I'm doing then deal with, I use to like you now That I think about you're disrespectful little worm that has to go out of his way to Hurt someone.
Back to topic: please everyone check out the fan page to be first to notified of updates and special events. Deeply appreciated if you do :).
Majstor, you are Relogging by using ALTS.

Please do not do again next time.

Coolcomes, you been spamming the Comments with Facebook bullshit. Zerok didn't want to have it, look at you right now, inviting all these noobs.

Please do not spam again. We don't need a god damn Facebook to intact with each other. We can see it on the Page Game, it tells us what Verison is out. Seriously, it's getting annoying each time you spam it on the COSAB Game. No one really wants to go on it, because we don't want to reveal ourselves online IRL. So, please stop it, and turn that shit down. We already have a Forum for it. CallofShinobiAnbuBlackops
So, YEAH. Please stop it.
Falcon- ya your sarcasm intrigue me tell It again bro.
Unknown- Don't talk for everyone, you maybe don't like showing yourself irl playing the game and that fine, and but stop acting like your speaking for everyone esle because everyone have there opinion and some player appreciate the fan page. Spamming? How the frank am I spamming if I post the link every one round( that takes about 30mins-2 hours),Zerok and the admins(like dx,yatero,etc)are happy that the game getting new players and it's funny how calling others even though you were once yourself(Very hypocritical).If any of the higher ups tell me to take down the fan page I will but until further notices, I'm going to post the link and advertise regardless other say.
Look at Comments in this game #169, #161, and #154.
3 or more is Spam.
Any Questions?

A lot of the Spawners that spawns on the Scrolls or Conquer They'll just go AFK Where they stand will continue the round...
Also, reduce the Conquer points to 3-4 so that if a Person has 1 Point CANNOT respawn..
For Scrolls, please move it out of the Spawn Point, so they AFK doesn't spawn then stand for the rest of the round, unallowing teammates to capture a scroll.
Falcon lazorz wrote:

Second host that has banned me for nothing. Why do these poop molecules plague my buttochs so.

I am glad you are banned, you are a troll after all.
Why is game down for 2 days dont host it enymore?
Zerok why is game down? D:
The game is down due to the bugs that came out of nowhere, its getting fixed. Version 21.4 is really really near finishing and hopefully no such major bugs appear again, latest version will be hosted in no time...just wait!
I know but i thik i am addicted to the game i just cant live normaly without it xDD
falcon is a poop addict
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