Recently i have decided to further myself within Byond and for the future of my own games.

I have decided to go with pixel art and improve upon it until one day i may be called a "good" pixel artist :)

Also CubanBling's has decided to help me with pixel art!.

Here is a Hollow icon he has produced.

I'm really pleased with it, though it seems to have a lean to it it which he's not sure about solving.

Thanks to Zane i have realised my love for cel shading, and that is the art route i wish to follow and that is how i am trying to aim my icons towards.

My recent icons:

This one took me forever to get done.

I seem to have improved since a few days ago, and i plan to keep at my cel shading style and hopefully get the hang of it properly soon.
Not bad for a beginner.
SuperAntx wrote:
Not bad for a beginner.

Art. Clashes. Like. A. Whore.
Actually you're bether then me XO
lol thanks Ant/Addme.

Yeah my style is cel shade, Cuban's is .. detaild?. lol

So yeah i hope to keep improving so i can get better and eventually replace the icons to suit.
you could use a little more shading on some of the icons to simulate the reiatsu density but overall a great job! :)
You have improved since the last post. Good work.
Those are not bad, continue improvising icons and you'll eventually get better. Keep up the good work, though!
teka please answer how do i get my site listed?
Teh last one looks sexy.
It's not bad, but don't use cell shading as an excuse to not do things properly. Even if it's cartoony, most of your stuff here needs a lot of work on shading.

Honestly, since you're a beginner, I would start out on simpler things like 8-bit graphics. That way, you can teach yourself the importance of individual pixels in the whole of your art, something I can see you aren't really getting from what you have here. Try some smaller, 8-bit stuff and you will certainly improve.
Nicely done.
I quite like the cel-shaded style you have developed, I'd like to see it implemented in an anime game.
Neat work. @Cuba.. DIEEEE!!!!
The hollow's tail on the east sprite needs to be lowered. When hes facing south, it's near his his knees. East, it's all the way up at his abdomen.
Heum Teka idk if you know me but i'm good fa of you someone wich is name Tadahshi stole my hub and give it to others and he always write, Copyright © All rights reserved. Dragonball Tenkaichi 2011 © Dragonball Tenkaichi made by SkylerExodus.

When it's made by me Can you please tell him to stop ripping my stuff !
Addmelol wrote:
um Teka idk if you know me, but i'm good fan of you, someone whose name Tadahshi stole my hub and gave it to others and he always write, Copyright © All rights reserved. Dragonball Tenkaichi 2011 © Dragonball Tenkaichi made by SkylerExodus.

When it's made by me, can you please tell him to stop ripping my stuff!
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