Keywords: design, game, interface
Since I had the fiasco with the whole "full screen vs windowed mode" discussion, I figured I'd go ahead and show you guys what I have done so far. (Warning: It's not a lot)

The design I have in mind is generally this with more features in place of the gaping space you see right now. Popup boxes to feature: status, inventory, quests, equipment will go here. This will be similar to the setup of most JRPGS. Originally I planned on leaving the entire screen open and have key-based menus, but in order to incorporate a chat element I felt it should fit this way.

Any feedback or suggestions will be welcome, but try not to be too judgmental until I have a working interface to display. The same goes for my shoddy pixel art, I'm sure with some clothes mr. base would be a little more photogenic.

I find the random use of the Nyan Cat mildly disturbing.
EmpirezTeam wrote:
I find the random use of the Nyan Cat mildly disturbing.

*force choke*
lOL.. Nice
@EmpirezTeam: I needed a random pixely icon, that was the first thing that popped into mind.

@SilencedWhisper: Care to elaborate?