Long story short, since I've already typed up this blog post once but lost it to the site bugging out on me (Arggh!), I'm working on a new actually serious project. As an introduction post, I feel as if it's obligatory to include very little details and some vague photos, so here you go:

The terrible art will remain until I find myself in a better financial position where I can actually commission a decent artist to draw me up some actually nice icons, or until I become a better artist (Hahaha). Anywho, don't let the terrible-ness of the graphics take away from the vague-ness (and thus awesome-ness) of these pictures and this post.
I will make a more descriptive post next time, whenever that may be, after I get some more of the finer details implemented.
As for a release date, I'm not quite sure. I work 5/6 days a week and I've got school to worry about most days of the week, so my time to myself is rather short. Another few weeks and I should have a working version to try out.
Stay tuned. Another post will probably be coming in another week or so.