Ever noticed those things above certain letters like this one:(ä)? Those things are called umlauts. They're used in certain languages to change vowel sounds. Putting one over a "U" changes "mus" in to "mouse" when spoken.
Something else I've recently noticed (more): I get a funny tingly feeling when I hear a song on the radio that I haven't heard for a long time.
I also get that feeling when I read a book or watch a movie that I see refrences to (or hear people talking about), and find everything falling in to place. I read a book called "A Prayer For Owen Meany" recently. It's without a doubt the best thing I've ever read.

In other news, it'll cost me another 350 to repair my laptop. I'm starting to give up hope of ever completing "Teh Blobz"...

What'd you do to your laptop? Fried anything important? :P
Yep. I fried an extra 350 bucks worth of previous repairs 2 weeks later. >_<
It's Vexonater, but secretly, he's...CAPTAIN IRONY!
Dang. That explains why I've been getting Credit Card application forms in my mailbox adressed to "Cptn. Irony"
Ironic, isn't it? ;)
It's not finished? No wonder I can't finish it.
Heh.It's not finished?I can't get past the first part.

So,I hope your still alive,out there,somewhere...