Greetings BYOND, boy you sure have come a long way. I used to frequent this site and some of the games a few years back, and have decided upon a whim to visit the homepage.
I've had this game idea nagging at me for quite some time, during my work hours, and realized that the best way to placate them is by putting them in motion. BYOND seemed to be the best place to get this done.
Of course upon my visit back I stumbled upon this little game called NEStalgia, and really hadn't gotten anything done yet... I'm sure you've all been there. Now however, I'm starting to relearn the DM language and write up some documents, in order to get this thing into full swing.
Hope to have more to share with the community in the future regarding my development.
Aug 27 2011, 12:17 am
Aug 27 2011, 12:50 am
Good luck, welcome to the community and just have fun with it!
Well, Welcome back to Byond then :)
I look forward to seeing whatever your plans and development turn into. |