Total Dream Seeker here! I look at the stars while I dream dreams worth seeking.

__ * C.C __ <- Star gazing
Others - I don't give a shit.
Wait a sec, I'm getting lost. Are Byondlings somewhat of a derivative of noobs? What is the proper definition of a Byondling? Are they a crossbreed?
Truseeker wrote:
Wait a sec, I'm getting lost. Are Byondlings somewhat of a derivative of noobs? What is the proper definition of a Byondling? Are they a crossbreed?

BYONDlings are an inferior tribe dwelling in the cold, dark swamps of BYONDia.

BYONDites, the more intelligent and advanced breed of people reside in the Developers Palace with all the cool cats like Tom and Laserdog. This is the tribe I have pledged my allegiance to. We protect the world of BYONDia from the sinister BYONDlings who want nothing less than the destruction of the site as we know it.
Ss4toby wrote:
I'm voting "Anyone that isn't you" simply because of the queer "Who r bettah" bullshit.

Ss4toby wrote:

k. Bye, mr.ripper.
I go away for a freaking weekend, and this is what I return to. You gais.
EmpirezTeam wrote:
BYONDlings are an inferior tribe dwelling in the cold, dark swamps of BYONDia.

BYONDites, the more intelligent and advanced breed of people reside in the Developers Palace with all the cool cats like Tom and Laserdog. This is the tribe I have pledged my allegiance to. We protect the world of BYONDia from the sinister BYONDlings who want nothing less than the destruction of the site as we know it.

Bro, where do you get this stuff? LOL!
Yusuke13 wrote:
Bro, where do you get this stuff? LOL!

It's just one of the many perks that comes along with being mentally challenged.
Making web-comics being the another.
Sigh. Furries and Noobs about to pass BYONDlings while Dream Seekers leave both in the dust.
Dude, I told you. *lays back down*

* c.c *Dreams*
Some of these voters might not even understand the "BYONDling" thing. Most people will see Dream Seekers and think it looks and sounds cooler and nicer. BYONDling was meant to be a joke, and it kinda turned into nothing and got ruined.
Fugsnarf wrote:
BYONDling was meant to be a joke, and it kinda turned into nothing and got ruined.

I disagree and agree. Some people are ruining Byondlings, but I still think of Byondlings great...wait, what are Byondlings again? Eitherway, true Byondlings are what DMcast said it was which is all it needs to be.

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