I wonder if I can find a project that needs some help within that time, that I might be interested in..

Can anyone name some that you think I may be interested in, which could use some help with pixel art ?_?

After 31 days you won't need to see more of my annoying post. :P
Kingdoms of Honor still needs alot of Pixel work! And maybe I can renew your membership but I rather want to talk that in private. If Im right you already got my msn.
Message me I have a project I'm working on with a friend. msn: gmoreno(at)hotmail(dot)com
I'm working on a small game, add me on MSN, [email protected] It needs 8 bit art.
Added your MSNs.
Edit my email is [email protected]
Okay, I'll add that one later.
Ohh Yeahh. My KH Game is Back Under Developement.