The Knight

by Lugia319
Remember the Knight's Tour?
In chess, the knight move is defined as follows:

"Two tiles along any axis and one tile along the axis perpendicular to the first."

The stipulation which causes confusion is that "the knight is airborne for the first two steps." So one would naturally conclude that two tiles left and one tile up is the same as one tile up and two tiles left. While the destination is the same, the path you take there is not the same, and the path is the actual "Knight Move."

Because you are not airborne for the first two steps along either axis (in casual mode), your second example would not permit you to move above the X.

The rules aren't inconsistent, perhaps I explained them poorly.

EDIT: The rules seem to have been explained poorly. I will modify them ASAP.
Maybe "casual" mode isn't the best name. I figured "casual" meant the rules would be simpler =)
Perhaps you're right. I was trying to fit the mode name to "match" classic mode. I can rename it if you feel that it's too misleading.

On second thought, I could just not give it a name, and just call it the game itself (since it really is).
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