No. I want them to know who I am talking to so they don't get mixed up. I'm going to post like that because not everyone posting on here ARE morons. Only the people I respond to and state they are. I'm not going to talk about the other people like that.
Illegal Immigrants get offended when they see the flag of the country they're trying to stay in?

Right now a group of illegal immigrants is suing a homeowner's association for trying to get them to stop peddling for odd jobs in the neighborhood, saying this violates their constitutional rights. Problem is, if they're not in the country legally, they have no constitutional rights.

This is a very interesting point.
"We're getting suspended from school for having the AMERICAN FLAG in our posession. THAT'S BULLCRAP! THIS IS OUR COUNTRY! Why? Illegal Aliens get offended when they see it. It's already happened to a girl from Nebraska."

If what you say is true, I am officially sickened.

I bet they don't mind if you bring a fucking mexican flag. Goddammit.
Hahahahahah! You know, if people love Mexico so much, why are they protesting about being sent back? If you really, really love that country so much, you know where you should be?

Yeah, I thought so too.
Elation, try to take this kindly;

Please, please, PLEASE, shut the fuck up. You're starting to get on my nerves.
GITS-Motoko said:
Put up a friggin' wall and end it. PUT

Ya, because putting up a wall and not trying to talk things out and compromise certainly works. Heck, look at Israel, a shining example of 'wall those fuckers off'! Also look at the Berlin Wall, BIG FUCKING MISTAKE.

GITS-Motoko said:
Well, some Americans actually work for
theit bloody money. It's costing me
atleast 1000 of what I could be making
right now.

While we're at it, let's get rid of everyone else that takes money out of our paychecks. Welfare people? Kick them out of the country! Eldery people and social security? They've lived beyond their usefulness, liquidate them!

GITS-Motoko said:
He's hated by just about all of the

Last statistics I saw showed about...
85% of Democrats hating him
66% of Independents hating him
22% of Republicans hating him
I'm not sure what the overall percentage is, but I do believe it is alot less than 'just about all'.

GITS-Motoko said:
They're living their lives running
from their problems.

USA is one of the 'free-est' countries in the world, and possibly the free-est country in the Western Hemisphere. Alot of countries south of Mexico and Mexico are alot less free and it is nearly impossible for the people to reform their governments short of a mass revolution. They believe it's safer and more rewarding to risk their lives to get into our country than risk their lives changing their government. At least we don't kill them. That's what may happen to them if they try to 'fix their problems' in their own country as you put it.

GITS-Motoko said:
Don't bring your bloody problems into
my country.

This is inscribed on the Statue of Liberty:
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

Sarm said:
It reminds me of an online game. If
someone is ban-evading and hides it
for a while before getting found out,
why do nothing once he's caught?

I believe in rewarding talented individuals, even if they're the enemy.
If a illegal immigrant remains un-detected for a good many years before being discovered/caught...doesn't that prove it's either luck or talent? In exchange for their knowledge and the methods they used to remain hidden, offer those talented individuals citizenship.

Lummox JR said:
Illegals have to go, and amnesty is
not acceptable, simply because we have
legal immigrants going about things
the right way who are asked to jump
through thousands of hoops to achieve

Maybe the real problem is the thousands of hoops needed to achieve citizenship? If some of those are un-needed and if the process takes a long time, then I too would try the illegal way if I felt I needed what America provides immediately. I have always said that one of my stances is that blood runs thicker than ink and I am willing to do anything for my family, even if it supercedes the law.

Lummox JR said:
Another big problem with illegal
aliens is they don't assimilate.

Personally I think assimilation is one of the worst things to force upon people. I look back now on what little I know of my heritage and ancestors and I'm saddened, such a possibly rich history has over time deluded and coalesced into one dull American much lost just for the sake of the efficency of our nation.

Lummox JR said:
One other minor note: Right now a
group of illegal immigrants is suing a
homeowner's association for trying to
get them to stop peddling for odd jobs
in the neighborhood, saying this
violates their constitutional rights.
Problem is, if they're not in the
country legally, they have no
constitutional rights.

Hah, I think these illegal immigrants have just proven they fully deserve to be Americans! Already they are filing useless law suits! /sarcasm

GITS-Motoko said:
Lol Perhaps I'm Eighteen now, but I am
almost nineteen. I know what I am
talking about right now.

Ya, because everyone knows that upon the second of turning 19 years old, that a mystical light turns on in your mind and the full knowledge of this world, universe and all existence is known to you! Sorry to dissapoint you, but that happens at 21 dear, we just don't tell you because...Hey! Let me go! The secret must be rev... *dragged away by secret police*

GITS-Motoko said:
I speak for all the Americans here.

That's a lofty statement, would you care to repeat that again or retract it, all knowing priestess of the will of the people.

GITS-Motoko said:
Nope. Round them up and ship them back
to where they were.

You know, the costs of such a immense operation could very well outweigh the current costs of leaving them alone. I'm not certain about this, but it's a possibility.

GITS-Motoko said:
I'm telling you that the United States
wont be here much more. We're screwed,
so why not make the best of it while
we still can? Illegal immigrants are
RUINING the country.

You know, there was a time when they were saying all the illegal Asian immigrants coming to the west coast would do the same thing. Heck, we even rounded up all the Japanese immigrants and their descendants in this country and put them into the equivalent of Concentration Camps during World War II.
Can anyone say War Crime? But heavens forbid, that's not allowed. If the enemy does it, it is but if the USA or a ally does it, it's just a necessary travesty.

GITS-Motoko said:
I'm telling you the truth in the
matter. Iraq ran two planes into the
bloody towers.

#%$*^! GET IT RIGHT! It's been what, four fucking years and you still can't figure it out. Now come on, along with me. Al-Qaeda. A-l-Q-a-e-d-a. Also don't forget they slammed one into the Pentagon and another into a Pennsylvanian field.

GITS-Motoko said:
I don't lie. Whatever I write, print,
or post is true UNLESS joking.

I'm not convicting you of lying, I'm convicting you of being ignorant.

Anyways, to wrap things up I'll link to a interesting article from Maddox's site which is basically my viewpoint as well.
Haha, GITS is stupid.
Someone can be stupid and still be loved!
I love GITS like I love RougePix.
Someone can be stupid and still be loved!

Like Terri Schiavo! The entire country loved her! Wait...what's with all those evil was just a joke!
Yeah, I doubt Terri Schiavo had much appeal. She wasn't a great conversationalist, but I bet she was great in bed.

Geddit? In bed? I'm so great.
The Entire country didn't love her. The entire country used her as an excuse to push their opinions on Euthenesia.
Alright well I'm going to lock up the comments on this thing before my eyeballs start to bleed...
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