Well, in response to the "Day of Silence" by GSA(Gay -Straight Alliance) groups(A day about how society pressures homosexuals to conform), Some fundamentalist christians - funded by the ADF(*sighs* yeah, the anti-abortion conservative weirdos)- have founded the "Day of Truth" in High Schools across the nation.

Basically the it condemns gay people in the name of Jesus.

Here is a sample of text from their website:

We are trying to counter organized efforts to legitimize and promote the homosexual agenda in the public schools. We are participating in the Day of Truth not only to exercise our right to free speech, but also out of our love and compassion for those who are struggling with their sexual identity and to provide them with hope through the love of Jesus Christ.


I don't know but it makes me mad having to hear more right-wing propaganda in schools.

If someone is gay let them be gay

I mean hell does it piss you off so much that you can't concentrate?
Are you thinking - Eww a gay person!! OMG LOL THEY ARE GOING TO HELL!! HELL OMG!!! I HATE THEM SINNERZ LOL.

Seriously it's not your business, and this is coming from a straight person.

Don't push your religion or your ideals on someone else.

"Day of Silence" had a base, this is just stupid right-wing anti-homosexual propaganda.
what do they call this? speaking to the choir or something. I'm like the only one here that would disagree with you, but I'm tired of arguing. Honestly, it's the same stuff. Why do gay people constantly need to remind everyone of their agenda. With day of silence, brokeback mountain, tv shows having gay characters, god, who gives a shit, i'm tired of all this gay shit. If someone wants to be gay, do it in the closet. Same thing as pedophilia. If you want to fuck kids or animals, DO IT IN THE CLOSET.
what do they call this? speaking to the choir or something. I'm like the only one here that would disagree with you, but I'm tired of arguing. Honestly, it's the same stuff. Why do straight people constantly need to remind everyone of their agenda. With day of truth, my side of the mountain, tv shows having straight characters, god, who gives a shit, i'm tired of all this straight shit. If someone wants to be straight, do it in the closet. Same thing as pedophilia. If you want to fuck kids or animals, DO IT IN THE CLOSET.

Gay people generally do not flaunt their sexual preference, and straight people do just as much.
there is no straight agenda though. It's normal. No one needs to prove that.
Oh, I suppose wearing bright clothing, leather, or something just gay looking, talking with a lisp, and talking about your "partner" isn't gay. Goddamn it, fucking laguna beach has so MANY.
I think we have a Homophobe here. *looks at solbadguy* Anyway, I could care less really. The only thing that really gets to me though its the hypocracy of it all. They worship a being thats supposed to love all his creations and be ever so tolerant while followers do a poor job of practicing what is preached. If they want to be gay, let them be gay. Only thing that I find negative about it is the no means of reproduction. Oh well, lets the population die down a little. :P
Na, i'm not scared of gays. I just find it incredibly fucked up, and if you say otherwise, you're wrong. It's just a lifestyle choice anyway, so i'm allowed to not like it. And i'm not doing it for religious reasons. In fact, me and my friend are going to start something ... how you say.... interesting... heh heh heh devious evil. Besides what I find it incredibly hypocritical is people here that are all for gay rights but then are racist and constantly slander nerds or people who enjoy that sort of shit.
I think i'm going to resign from this argument before I get flamed. Don't mind me, just comment as if I'd never posted.
dude, i got one of those cards and participated, just so i wouldnt have to answer questions and shit during class. Well at least i pretended to be participating during class. But seriously tho, people should stop giving a fuck whether people are gay or not, cuz seriously... who the fuck gives a shit? Its not impacting u, and all that means, is more chicks for yourself.
"Its not impacting u"

Last thing, that's the most common argumenet I get.

The thing is, it does impact me. Oh god it can get SOOOOOOO annoying. Stop pushing it in my face please. Also, I really don't care about marriage, other than that it's a religious institution I don't think the governemnt should change, but c'mon, i'm sick of gay guys....


Yeah, I get so sick of people with their wedding rings and bringing their wives to work and talking about what they did with their girlfriend this weekend and putting pictures of their family on their desk.

Stop shoving it down my throat already!

Damn straight people. Can't they just pretend they are alone and don't have a relationship?
This isn't meant to be a flame Solbadguy but it really seems like your in denial. From what I've seen of your posting, it seems you say one thing but then counteract yourself. In other words you contradict yourself alot.

I'm not usually one to judge so please don't take it to the heart.

BTW for arguements sake why do people always have to be so nosy of other people's business? They always claim they have the right to be. I honestly think if it doesn't concern you, then it shouldn't matter. Notice I'm saying shouldn't. Its very obvious that it does to some people. Though everyone is entitled to their opinion, they should keep it to themselves IF it holds no value to the situation at hand. Again, I'm probably sounding like I'm telling everyone what to do. I don't intentionally mean it to sound like that.

Too bad we can't just look at everyone as equals. That would be the day. :D

*puts up Flame Guard*
speaking to the choir

I believe the old saying is "Preaching to the choir"

And as it stands:
It's fine to be homosexual.
It's fine to be hetrosexual.
It's fine to be bisexual.
It's fine to be asexual.
I'm not so sure about gsexual.
But I draw the line at chairsexual. Seriously, no molesting chairs.
Hurrah for gay rights !!!
Also, I really don't care about marriage, other than that it's a religious institution

You can get married in a religious institution. That doesn't make marriage a religious institution. It has a lot to do with the government, like in the case of immigration.
the anti-abortion conservative weirdos

Rhetoric. There are idiots on all sides of all issues. The prolife idiots call you 'Anti-life.' Is that fair, do you really stand against life? My guess is that you stand for woman's rights and choice.

In order to have any real progress, both sides must be able to judge properly the intentions and motivations of the other. If you want to be respected enough to not be called 'Anti-something,' then please realize that the other side actually stands for something, and is not just an evil group of jerks out to spite you.
It's fine to be hetrosexual.

Well, I assume they are anti-abortion.

Since abortion is the killing of a human fetus.

Wasn't all that I said just:

Those anti-killing of a human fetus people?
"From what I've seen of your posting, it seems you say one thing but then counteract yourself. In other words you contradict yourself alot."

No I say gay guys are nasty, but lesians are awesome, but only if they're hot. That's not contradicting myself. That's fucking uhhhh going with what my dick tells me to do. Which isn't the smartest thing to do, but goddamit, it feels goooooodddd.

"Damn straight people. Can't they just pretend they are alone and don't have a relationship?"

I wish they would, they make me so jealous :(
That's fucking uhhhh going with what my dick tells me to do.

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