Naruto The Ninja World

by Masterralphy55
Naruto The Ninja World
A mindblowing, revolutionary Naruto game!
We will fix the icons, on Christmas break ;)
It might look like Uchihas have way more jutsus, but if you consider that 6 of them are only sharingan, and only 4 more are actually open(with one never beeing able to be learned if you have the others) Uchihas have between 2 and 4 Jutsus. That's not much. Hyuuga, Senjuu, Nara all have way more jutsus. It just looks a lot since planned jutsus are in the tree already but not usable
Hey i dont really know much about this game but can someone help me on this. Is there a way to train jutsus because im a kido and my web shot ONLY stuns rabbits for about 2 seconds.nothing else and my web armor lasts for literally 1.5 seconds. please someone help me.
why everytime i try to play the game it tells me (no registered applications for this extension?)
nah u just gotta purchase stronger ones
kaguya is con/rfx but the bone sword dont deal more dmg with rfx , fix it and turn online today xD
when the server is going up?
Probably today, probably not, who knows...
Anyways, It will be up as soon as we're done with last-time programming.
New Release Date: December 25th, 2012

I have considered many of the suggestions and contributions that Members have made and plan to revise the game.
You mean December 25, 2011, right? o.o
This game sucks >.>
I cant wait to play this game =D
2012? I hope that was a typo...
2012 and 25 december,Man u re joking ._..
2012 25th lol.. not today se ya next year
See you all in 2013 =D
Nah he's joking. Way earlier than a year lol.
then when the game is going up._. i miss it somuch.
Yeah when will it be up again?
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