![]() Nov 15 2011, 8:15 am
As far as i know there won't be. The Closed Beta Testers can play 48 hours before the launch, then the game goes public. I don't think there is a open beta. Of course the game isn't finished yet and a lot is still to be programmed. So beeing live can probably be counted as open Beta.
Yeah, am still waiting for some Pixel Art and GFX to be finished, without that I cannot do anything.
In order to not lose any time, I've programmed something you guys asked for. Info Card, as well as Ninja Card will now Auto-Refresh without having to Re-Open it. Every 1-2 Seconds it will refresh. Hope you guys like that. Also the Character Creation is gonna be a bit different, so don't expect that Ugly Box-Inputs to be there. :) Edit: I also fixed the bug that was hiding your HUD in some Screen Resolutions. (It now checks your resolution, changes it and the Re arranges the entire HUD, replacing it on the correctly location) |
o.o Darn. Gone to school, and vvhen i come back, everyone has a party D;.
PS: Those 48 hours shall be the best in my life ;D |
Is Kabuto Gone?
As for now, Yes. Will he come back? We don't even know if he'll come back, nor when. But we cannot rely on him, and TNW's development should keep going no matter what. I'd rather be happy that the Game is being released in no time. |
I'm Testing the Beta on my own, because I was given host files to host,but I found out I need to be directly to the router to host, which I cant do....So we just waiting for Ace to host, but I hope Neo waits before do the 48 hrs testing, so I can tell him what I found and he can fix it before you all test it, so it not repeated.
~Maximo~ |
That's in fact what we must do.
But anyways, I was doing a new way of selecting Clans, so I must wait till it is done before I can do the 48 hrs Test. |
I hope it's not random Clan select? I want to be able to chose what clan i get. Otherwise it#s gonna be just as bad as that one Naruto game on Byond where it's most likely you don't even have a clan(forgot the name, it's terrible).
Hahah, it will never be something like that, whats the point of 'player customization' if you can't even select your clan?
Also, want to know when release is coming back on? Want to know the latest announcements/updates? Please register(sign up) at our forum to know EVERYTHING that's going on! All with one click here ! - http://s11.zetaboards.com/narutotnw/index/ |
I will make a unique system of attaining Mangekyou, so only a 50% of Uchihas will get it, and from those 50% Uchihas, only 25% will get Amaterasu & Tsukuyomi (That means you can get Susanoo), The ones who not get both Jutsus, will get either Amaterasu or Susanoo.
This is only an idea, It may be changed and probably will. |
Roko9000 wrote:
:( please tell me your gona make gm's. I don't get what you mean by this o.o" @RR05: If you mean the private test, we are fixing some bugs and adding some stuff before, since we found many in the already done Test. Onec that's accomplished, you guys will have 48 Hours to play the game, and in case there are no found bugs, it will be kept Online as the new Public server. Otherwise, it will be down for a few days until the bugs are done fixing (If found, as said) |
Neo Rapes Everything wrote:
Roko9000 wrote:I think he is talking, about the post you made on BYOND Anime. |
Hm, Game sound legit Neo. Keep up the good work... And I can assist you now, since I can host. Thanksgiving is next week, so I could host it around... 7-10AM - 3 ( Or later ) AM.
Keep up the good work... NTNW Team. |
I would Host but my internet/Internet company is a bunch of incomprehensive money hungry retards