Naruto The Ninja World

by Masterralphy55
Naruto The Ninja World
A mindblowing, revolutionary Naruto game!
Dragonharuno wrote:
Ryuk25 wrote:
RR05 wrote:
When is game going to be back up.

STFU, thats the 100th time you asked, Neo said Monday!

He said "Maybe" though.

So? He already gave an estimate, if you ask again he will say Monday again, He doesn't know.
LordDeity wrote:
so today is 100% going up, well prepared to log on in the game to get the clan uchiha (for the uchiha fans) because there clan caps xd

Read what Maximo said.

Also, there are no Clan Caps, and there will not be Clan caps, it goes against the "Full Character Customization" promise. We did not even discuss about it yet.
On one note No clan caps,thank you.On another note(Not complaining just giving constructive critism based on what I know.)the games production time based on what has been added that I could tell in what little time I had on beta is way to long for this update it shows non motivation on the production team as I am to making a game and know the time consuming nature of Programming and pixel art,but still even under those circumstances the game has been under production way to long.Again as I said before I am not complaining I am just giving my opinion on the situation for future references.Also I am expecting a shit load of hate comments from this because this is the internet and is full of millions of unintelligent people that have nothing better to do then hate on someones post that they probably do not even understand.
._. I want to say it, but then Ryuk The Meanie is gonna tell me to STFU...
I do not see a point in saying what you want to say it is not gonna get it up any sooner if anything it is gonna delay the release because they have to moderatore comments instead of work on the game because what you are saying is annoying after the first 3 times and people start complaining.
Thats it, I think I speak for everyone when I say...


STFU!!!!!!!!!! No just kidding and idk raqlphy hasnt been on all day so dont ask me
The wait was not in vain.

Guys, enjoy TNW!
Neo Rapes Everything wrote:
The wait was not in vain.

Guys, enjoy TNW!

Neo Rapes Everything wrote:
The wait was not in vain.

Guys, enjoy TNW!

LIES all lies why you lie so much it lies man lies
*Cough* Neo's been on crack... He's thinking that TNW is online.*Cough* ._.
It was gonna be online, but is not since I got to fix up some issues.

It will be up for sure today!
My time's different qq

My hosting fails, so I decided to get a friend do host for us :)
Masterralphy55 wrote:
My hosting fails, so I decided to get a friend do host for us :)

To the forums
Yup, and it'll be a wipe. Sorry guys(Wouldn't matter anyways, doubt anyone gained a level -- lol)
Masterralphy55 wrote:
My hosting fails, so I decided to get a friend do host for us :)

We will try to get a shell in a week and I will transfer the saves to the shell once we get it =)
Masterralphy55 wrote:
Yup, and it'll be a wipe. Sorry guys(Wouldn't matter anyways, doubt anyone gained a level -- lol)
I gain 8 D;
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