Well I may already know that you probably know that the in year 2050 means it's will be a huge mass in our climate by you know the the our polar ice caps will all melt and our world will be much hotter then it is now today and every cities near the oceans like New York and Tokyo are going to be flood by the sea. Well it's quite too late to even save our Mother Earth from this great chaos of 2050. Well I can right now have a image in my mind right now a map of our world in 2050. North American Coast from the state of Texas to the island of Newfoundland will be all be gone. Now wonder why and how it happen well that because of the rising sea level. The coastal cities like New York, Neawark, Altantic City, Washington DC, Balitmore, Boston, Salem, Hartford, Richmond, New Orleans, Houston and mostly every city in the state of Florida will be flood by water. If the coastal cities maybe in order to surive would have to build dikes to hold the sea back or they could either become floating cities like Venice. The islands in the Carribean Sea will be gone and Cuba will split into other islands and Haiti will be a island of it's own, every island in the world that is very small like Hawaii or Fiji will be mostly underwater. In Asia the nation of Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Taiwan, and Phillpines are all gone. The country of Japan that is only only left not cover in water would be the island of Honshu. Tokyo and Yokohama the largest and most populated cities in the world are then flood in 2050. The nation of Bengal will be underwater. Europe will be infact be seprated from from Asia. The nations of Iceland, Malta, Denmark, Netherlands, Greece and I hate to even say Italy too will be a large mass of sea. The coastal cities of Rome, Lisbon, Amsterdam, Dublin, Helsinki, Rejayakii, Stockholm, St Peterburg and Israebal will either have to become floating cities or build dikes, but Amsterdamn it too late to be due to that the Netherlands is the lowest country in the world, will be deadmeat aka flooded. South American cities like Lima, Quito, Cacara, Rio de Junaro, Sao Paulo, Bueinos Aires will have build dikes. Amazons will become a derest and all the beautiful animals of the rainforest will become extinct. The Great Barrier Reef which makes me want to cry so much because of the beauiful fish will become extinct:C polar region wildlife will become extinct such as Arctic Foxes, Polar Bears, and Peguins will died out completly. The rainforests in Africa, South America, Central America, Asia, and Oceania will become deserts because the developing nations need logging for jobs or the employed people will unable to feed their families. Tribes of the Amazons and Congo rainforest will soon die out from the contact of outsiders, from diease. Canadians in tundera are killing baby seals for there white soft fur by using harpoons, guns, and clubs. The people of Japan are still killing whales offshore and still eat them and the Indians of Arctic are still hunting them for food or clothes as they tradional do. Every five seconds a tree in a rainforest is cut down by loggers. We need to stop killing our Mother Earth even if its already too late, or else our human race will become extinct.
Aug 20 2011, 1:03 pm
Maybe you can un-ban me from your server now? Considering I was banned for no reason...