The strange part is that if we generated the icon and the specified icon_state is missing within the file, the icon will show correctly.
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
I. Create a new DM file, a global list and a new verb.
II. Make the global list get an icon by using the icon() proc. And the verb to output the icon via the icon text macro.
var/list/myIcons = list(icon('MyIcon.dmi', "RealState")
usr << browse("\icon[myIcons[1]]")
You will now note that the icon is not found, as the icon state was existing within the file.
III. Change the icon state we retrieved in step II, and re-compile.
IV. We will now note that the icon showed up correctly.
Expected Results: The icon to show under any circumstances.
Actual Results: The icon only showing if a missing icon_state is specified.
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? Every time I use this approach.
In other games? Not that I noticed.
In other user accounts? It happens in both accounts, so I would say this applicates to everyone.
On other computers? Of course it does.
When does the problem NOT occur? When you specify a missing icon_state within the icon() procedure.
Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? Would need to donwload one to test it, but as of now, I have no clue.
To create a new dmi file with a blank icon state and specify a missing one.