You can probably tell that this BYONDcast was quite different from the debut BYONDcast, a lot less structure and more loose-ness. I like the format, because it's a lot quicker and easier to edit.
It feels more natural for all of us to just discuss things rather than formulate our opinions beforehand and then just "spell them out" while we're recording.
I don't know, what do you BYONDlings think of the new format? Leave a comment on how we can improve/change things.
As always, thanks for watching, and I hope all of you that attended our event had fun. And to those that missed it, better luck next time! We luckily did record the entire session into one long hour and a half recording on Livestream.com for anyone who missed it to watch and enjoy what we saw during our adventures.
Link is right here:
I (Oasiscircle) will be gone next week in San Francisco for vacation, so don't wait up for a new installment of the BYONDcast next week my little BYONDlings. We may have an end-of-summer event once I get back, maybe.
Anyway, hope all of you enjoyed and we will see you guys next time!
Hey, make sure to +yea -nay this post to show your true BYONDling love. :3
Our beloved BYONDcast is moving off onto its new key DMcast(it will still remain BYONDcast, just a different key name for obvious reasons). We are not begging for a membership donation, we're just seeing if there is anyone who is willing to donate one before one is bought from our own funds.
BYONDcast will now be linked as a BYONDJournalism affiliate on the left side of the site.