
Poll: Well... are we ready?

Yes 16% (4)
No 41% (10)
Maybe 12% (3)
Other (Explain in "Comments") 8% (2)
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Another awesome episode. Late on making a post about this because... I'm lazy? Anyways, this next Curiosity episode, hosted by Michelle Rodriguez, revolves around the question of "Are we ready for aliens, possibly hostile, to visit us?"

Really, it was interesting what they did. They went through the steps of a likely scenario. The aliens would likely be carbon-based organisms and they would be coming to Earth because it was similar to their own that was possibly in danger. Plus with the fact that they had the ability to travel between solar systems or maybe even galaxies would mean that they are a technologicly advanced race. And we are ants. First they would use a world-wide EMP. Then they would take out all coastal cities and such. And then launch biological weapons to finish humans off. And the only way we could fight is to use nukes to launch peices of metal into space or something?

Forgot the name, but it's basically putting a nuke half a kilo down into the ground, filling the hole with water, and placing a metal top of some kind. It weighed a few tons. When the nuke exploded, the water turned to steam which shot the metal top into the air. Scienist theorized that it would travel 6 times escape velocity, so that hundreds of these could possibly damage a mothership.

Oh. Another thing. Fossils found off a peice of rock from mars prove that some simple life (Bacteria and such) did live at one point or another on Mars. Meaning any planet in the habital zone of their stars in their solar system could have life. About 40 - 2,000 per galaxy. Billions of galaxies. You do the math.

So. What do you think? Could we survive an alien invasion? Is the alien invasion scenario in that Curiosity episode realistic?
The aliens would likely be carbon-based organisms and they would be coming to Earth because it was similar to their own that was possibly in danger.

You mean like Superman?
Yes, like superman. Except they would have different DNA from us... more realistic, I would say. That means they wouldn't be human. Maybe not even humanoid.
its been 2011 years, if they wanted us they got us without us knowing
Lies. It's been over 4,000 years since "Humans" as we know it first existed. Sure, Aliens could've visited before. Maybe they didn't. How can we be sure?

Plus, we weren't ruining our world before. It's only in the last 300 years that we hit a technological burst of intelligence. We were just puny ants before. Now we are puny ants with stingers.
Not going to delve into the whole "Another dimensions" again and bring up the Source Code. Let's just stay with that the aliens are from the same universe, just a distant solar system or another nearby galaxy.
Lol. Aliens > Time Travel. The next Curiosity episode is "Why is Sex fun?" and I'll probably wait until the one afterwards to make a post.

But, back on topic, I'd like to think that it won't happen anytime soon. It's just a realistic depiction of if hostiles found us NOW.
But they need the biosphere. The fresh water, unique vegitation, dense atmosphere. That would be ruined by any "super weapon" attack.
Omg, aliens are going to visit us for cookies because their cookies were eaten by me. :O
I see what you meant by the tops and shooting them at the mothership, but that much radiation would ruin/destroy our planet. Not good =/

I believe aliens have visited before. Just look at the pyramids o.o
It would be 'very' difficult for us even today to build those pyramids, drag the giant stones from whence they came and stack them accordingly, fill them with shit in 20 years. Even with the technology we have today.
It's true. It wouldn't take almost a century like some of those pyramids, but it would still be hard.
Where's the red thumb? I want to thumb this down for thumb-whoring on the Cow RP forums.
Nay button next to the "Members say:" thing right under the topic. Next to the number of comments and such.

And I wasn't thumb-whoreing.
i doubt we'd be ready for any attack, because we wouldn't know what to expect. if any "intelligent" life form would even so much as know of our existence from so far away, much less attack us, they'd have to have been observing us for quite some time to be so confident in their invasion.