Darimiux shouts: Yugi havent i seen you before?
Darkzero123 shouts: *sream like a little girl*
(Deceased predator) Pepito1395 ghouls: omdfg
(Deceased predator) Pepito1395 ghouls: lag spike
(Deceased predator) Pepito1395 ghouls: >.<
Temudgjin Wolfe shouts: >:D
Pridak shouts: lmao
(Deceased predator) Kaidara ghouls: kml!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
(Deceased predator) Kaidara ghouls: soo much of them
(Deceased predator) Pepito1395 ghouls: fml...
Gzbspider01 ghouls: k lemme watch penumbra in pce cya guys
Tarantor116 shouts: LOL
Kaidara ghouls: it was alot of yall
Temudgjin Wolfe shouts: :P i kicked ass.
Pepito1395 shouts: ouch
Torch997 shouts: XD
Pridak ghouls: wow
Tarantor116 shouts: LOL
Tarantor116 shouts: HASHAHAHAHA Lets go!
Kaidara shouts: ...
Darimiux shouts: fk
Temudgjin Wolfe shouts: Dude fail
Pepito1395 shouts: big lol
Pepito1395 shouts: who did that?
Kaidara shouts: ... ass
Pepito1395 shouts: who failed? xD
Darimiux shouts: its just a game chill
Torch997 shouts: Dari did
Pepito1395 shouts: LOL
Temudgjin Wolfe shouts: Dari
Darimiux shouts: yea?
Darkzero123 shouts: I'm dancing with my self
Darkzero123 shouts: yeah
Temudgjin Wolfe shouts: I'm sorry but tht was a huge fail. D:
Darimiux shouts: Ik it was
Darkzero123 shouts: hey soul sister
Darimiux shouts: that was my mistake
Torch997 shouts: door open
Torch997 shouts: 16 limbs
Darkzero123 shouts: an't that mister mister on the radio
Torch997 shouts: door open
Tarantor116 shouts: *Kevin hart* There was to many on the bed, so..Daddy..Someone had to go.
Tarantor116 shouts: Well right not...Someone have to go.
Tarantor116 shouts: LOL
Tarantor116 shouts: Had to be him
Torch997 shouts: lol temu saved me XD
Darkzero123 ghouls: give em bavck
Darkzero123 ghouls: ban ban time
Pepito1395 shouts: lol
Pepito1395 shouts: chill dude
Pepito1395 shouts: its saw
Torch997 shouts: aww D:
Darkzero123 ghouls: naw just kidding
Pepito1395 ghouls: omg sEE
Pepito1395 ghouls: YOU EFFIN DISTRACTED ME
Tarantor116 ghouls: WTF
Torch997 ghouls: not enough time
Pepito1395 ghouls: OMG
Temudgjin Wolfe shouts: Fucking hp shit
Tarantor116 ghouls: Time wasn't u[p
Tarantor116 ghouls: NUU
Tarantor116 ghouls: weteswyhsrhdsrh
Tarantor116 ghouls: o.o
Tarantor116 ghouls: LOL
Tarantor116 ghouls: Game over
Torch997 ghouls: tarantor u have 10 sec once u get all limbs
Temudgjin Wolfe shouts: Ahahaha
Pepito1395 ghouls: o.o
Temudgjin Wolfe shouts: Your up
Torch997 ghouls: go Slayer
Temudgjin Wolfe shouts: i have no limbs
Tarantor116 ghouls: Took both of his arms
Tarantor116 ghouls: ONE LEG LEFT LOL
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: :/
YoungHazzerd ghouls: HAHAH
Torch997 ghouls: go
Tarantor116 ghouls: lol
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Wow..
Pepito1395 ghouls: lul
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Pep
Torch997 ghouls: im alyas d=first
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: I got throught that portal room
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: I used young as a meat shield for the saw
Torch997 shouts: bump tis shit
Tarantor116 ghouls: LOL AT TORCH
Pepito1395 ghouls: Lul
Torch997 shouts: Pri u have the honors
Tarantor116 ghouls: KAIDARA LOL
Tarantor116 ghouls: Just fail
(Deceased gladiator) Pridak ghouls: lmao
Pepito1395 ghouls: dont worry tarantor
Pepito1395 ghouls: we gonna laugh at you too
Pepito1395 ghouls: ;o
Tarantor116 ghouls: Leave me be LOL
Pepito1395 ghouls: how the hell o.o
Tarantor116 ghouls: I might have to fight you too lul
Pepito1395 ghouls: yea
Tarantor116 ghouls: Unless I get self destruct
Pepito1395 ghouls: thats my prediction
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Roflmao
Tarantor116 ghouls: Why isn't torch dead yet?
YoungHazzerd ghouls: get it
Tarantor116 ghouls: OMG SHURIKEN
Tarantor116 ghouls: WTF
Pepito1395 ghouls: WHAT
Pepito1395 ghouls: O.O!
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Man is a scared hoe.
YoungHazzerd ghouls: get it dummy
Pepito1395 ghouls: HOLY CRAP
YoungHazzerd ghouls: or i will
Tarantor116 ghouls: WE LOSE
Pepito1395 ghouls: hope i spawn x
Tarantor116 ghouls: xD
Pepito1395 ghouls: D
Pepito1395 ghouls: omg wtf
Tarantor116 ghouls: Unless we take the hit and push him into the saw
Pepito1395 ghouls: xD
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Spawn me by it
Tarantor116 ghouls: KILL HIM
(Deceased gladiator) Pridak ghouls: grappling hook!
Tarantor116 ghouls: I WANT IT
Pepito1395 shouts: kill him already xD
(Deceased gladiator) Torch997 ghouls: pussy
YoungHazzerd ghouls: da mmit
Tarantor116 ghouls: NOOO
Tarantor116 ghouls: Pep will kill us all
(Deceased gladiator) Torch997 ghouls: slayer is a pussy
(Deceased gladiator) Torch997 ghouls: im a legless man
(Deceased gladiator) Torch997 ghouls: with a hole bunch of hp packs
(Deceased gladiator) Torch997 ghouls: :D
Tarantor116 ghouls: LOL
Tarantor116 ghouls: LOL
(Deceased gladiator) Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Ha
Tarantor116 ghouls: Lag saved him
(Deceased gladiator) Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Took pep's kill.
Tarantor116 ghouls: Used Sharingam
Pepito1395 shouts: NO
Pepito1395 shouts: SHIT
YoungHazzerd ghouls: XD
(Deceased gladiator) Torch997 ghouls: aww XD
(Deceased gladiator) Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: :P
Tarantor116 ghouls: Pepito is now Spartacus
Pepito1395 shouts: wTF!
Pepito1395 shouts: when did i touch
(Deceased gladiator) Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Fail
Pepito1395 shouts: that
Tarantor116 ghouls: Time to kill pepito
Tarantor116 ghouls: LOL
(Deceased gladiator) Pepito1395 ghouls: rofl!
(Deceased gladiator) Pepito1395 ghouls: xD
(Deceased gladiator) Torch997 ghouls: dumb ass
(Deceased gladiator) Pepito1395 ghouls: shut up noob
(Deceased gladiator) Torch997 ghouls: X
(Deceased gladiator) Torch997 ghouls: XD
Tarantor116 shouts: lmfao
Masonkiller ghouls: Go dark!!!
(Deceased gladiator) Pepito1395 ghouls: you spawned legless
(Deceased gladiator) Pepito1395 ghouls: so shut it
Masonkiller ghouls: GOO!!!
(Deceased gladiator) Pepito1395 ghouls: and i didnt laugh at you
(Deceased gladiator) Pepito1395 ghouls: >:l
(Deceased gladiator) Torch997 ghouls: so atleast i survived legless
(Deceased gladiator) Torch997 ghouls: i didn't laugh at u D:
Masonkiller ghouls: URSJ@
Masonkiller ghouls: YEAH!
Masonkiller ghouls: Lol
(Deceased gladiator) Pepito1395 ghouls: u did
(Deceased gladiator) Pridak ghouls: dang
(Deceased gladiator) Pepito1395 ghouls: <.<
(Deceased gladiator) Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: ROFLMAO
(Deceased gladiator) Torch997 ghouls: isaid dumbass
(Deceased gladiator) Torch997 ghouls: then
Masonkiller ghouls: Tarantor wins.
(Deceased gladiator) Torch997 ghouls: this
Masonkiller ghouls: 0.0
(Deceased gladiator) Torch997 ghouls: XD
(Deceased gladiator) Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Tar doesn't win
Tarantor116 shouts: HAHA BISH TAPE
Masonkiller ghouls: Lets see.
(Deceased gladiator) Torch997 ghouls: lol
(Deceased gladiator) Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Ok now he may
Masonkiller ghouls: Dark get out of there!
Masonkiller ghouls: >:(
Tarantor116 shouts: VICTOR
Masonkiller ghouls: Dark
(Deceased gladiator) Torch997 ghouls: by one match -__
Tarantor116 shouts: I stole someone arm LOL
Masonkiller ghouls: is Super powers items on?
Tarantor116 ghouls: No
Masonkiller ghouls: Turn it on then :D
Torch997 ghouls: ima win :D
Masonkiller ghouls: We'll see torch.
Torch997 shouts: saw!!!!!!!!!
Masonkiller shouts: We'll SEE
YoungHazzerd shouts: what only one pred
Masonkiller shouts: *does Knuckles laugh* ( Knuckle from sonic the hedgehog)
Tarantor116 ghouls: o.o
Pepito1395 shouts: LOL
Tarantor116 ghouls: i hate this game T_T
Pepito1395 shouts: failed xD
Master Predator shouts: i always pred
Torch997 shouts: we all in this together
YoungHazzerd shouts: thanks for gift
Temudgjin Wolfe shouts: mason
Temudgjin Wolfe shouts: stop trying to effing tk me
Masonkiller shouts: ...
Pridak shouts: dang
Masonkiller shouts: Dark
Pepito1395 shouts: lol temu
Masonkiller shouts: Whats up with lag
YoungHazzerd shouts: you wwant this huh?
Tarantor116 ghouls: PRED IS WAITING LOL
Tarantor116 ghouls: Aww he fails, he don't have his Shuriken
Tarantor116 ghouls: JUMPED
Tarantor116 ghouls: JUMPED HIM LOL
Temudgjin Wolfe shouts: Fuck you young.
Tarantor116 ghouls: LOL AT PEP
Pepito1395 ghouls: xD
Tarantor116 ghouls: LOL
Tarantor116 ghouls: LMFAO
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Sorry pep
Masonkiller ghouls: ?
Masonkiller ghouls: What??
Pepito1395 ghouls: i was gonna do that
Pepito1395 ghouls: >:l
Pridak ghouls: damn lag
Pepito1395 ghouls: but with landmine
Masonkiller ghouls: WHAAAT???
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: XD
Darkzero123 ghouls: lol
Tarantor116 ghouls: He took the whole game with him LOL
YoungHazzerd ghouls: anyone else feeling laggy
Kaidara ghouls: meh
Masonkiller ghouls: Im like hell laggy
Torch997 shouts: me to
Masonkiller ghouls: Too many players.
Masonkiller ghouls: Dark, Fix the lag!
Masonkiller ghouls: Im not laggy ingame, but out game.
YoungHazzerd shouts: i just a epill and to get way faded. I would smoke a ja y
Masonkiller ghouls: Dark
Masonkiller ghouls: Fix the lag
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Mason
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Shut the fuck up
Pepito1395 ghouls: theres no way to fix
Pepito1395 ghouls: now stupid complaining
Pepito1395 ghouls: <.<
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Maybe it's cuz your fucking fapping
Pepito1395 ghouls: stop*
Masonkiller ghouls: I thought Wolfe was banned.
Pepito1395 ghouls: Lol
Pridak shouts: aw bogus
Pepito1395 ghouls: i thought you were banned to
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Why would i be banned.
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Unlike you i'm very likeable. :3
Masonkiller ghouls: Fuck off, pep, i was here 2 days ago.
Pepito1395 ghouls: <.
Pepito1395 ghouls: z.z
Masonkiller ghouls: >.>
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: I was here yesterday. so ,.l., suck deez nuts Mason
Pepito1395 ghouls: yea
Pepito1395 ghouls: :l
Pepito1395 ghouls: hmm...
Pepito1395 ghouls: they gonna die by timeout
(Deceased gladiator) Pridak ghouls: brb
Masonkiller ghouls: Torch, quit being runner
Pepito1395 ghouls: ;o
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Mason stop sucking nuts. ;3
Masonkiller ghouls: 0.0
Masonkiller ghouls: I do suck nuts, sucks on peanut.
Pepito1395 ghouls: 0.0
Masonkiller ghouls: 0.0
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Wow pep, he sucks on the peanuts
Pepito1395 ghouls: rofl
Pepito1395 ghouls: i heard him o.o
(Deceased gladiator) Tarantor116 ghouls: Wtf
Masonkiller shouts: PEP
(Deceased gladiator) Torch997 ghouls: u a bitch tarantor
(Deceased gladiator) Tarantor116 ghouls: LOL
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: He puts all of them in his mouth. ;P
Masonkiller shouts: wait
Masonkiller shouts: wait
(Deceased gladiator) Tarantor116 ghouls: Why didn't you JUST DIE
(Deceased gladiator) Tarantor116 ghouls: FAG
(Deceased gladiator) Torch997 ghouls: stop fing running
(Deceased gladiator) Pepito1395 ghouls: LOL
(Deceased gladiator) Pepito1395 ghouls: fail
(Deceased gladiator) Torch997 ghouls: i had no weapons
(Deceased gladiator) Tarantor116 ghouls: You were running i was chasing you
(Deceased gladiator) Masonkiller ghouls: I didnt get a chance to talk to you
(Deceased gladiator) Masonkiller ghouls: Thansk to Slayer
(Deceased gladiator) Torch997 ghouls: i could of got chiavement if i would of just let me kill u
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: You don't get a chance.
(Deceased gladiator) Pepito1395 ghouls: talk?
(Deceased gladiator) Pepito1395 ghouls: lol!
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: No tolarance gayness.
(Deceased gladiator) Masonkiller ghouls: Chat, or type
(Deceased gladiator) Torch997 ghouls: u kept hitting me and then runng tarantor
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: no tolarance to gayness*
(Deceased gladiator) Pepito1395 ghouls: i mean why talk
(Deceased gladiator) Pepito1395 ghouls: its glad
(Deceased gladiator) Pepito1395 ghouls: theres no time to talk
(Deceased gladiator) Masonkiller ghouls: ...
(Deceased gladiator) Masonkiller ghouls: I was about to say
(Deceased gladiator) Masonkiller ghouls: PEPITO
(Deceased gladiator) Masonkiller ghouls: YOU DIE!
(Deceased gladiator) Masonkiller ghouls: WITH ME!!!!
(Deceased gladiator) Pepito1395 ghouls: lol
(Deceased gladiator) Pepito1395 ghouls: thats a fail
(Deceased gladiator) Pepito1395 ghouls: I consider Suicide belt as a fail
(Deceased gladiator) Pepito1395 ghouls: if you have all limbs
Masonkiller ghouls: ...
Masonkiller ghouls: You are a fail
Masonkiller ghouls: After this, im leaving, its laggy.
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Pep you said it wrong
Darkzero123 ghouls: lofl
Masonkiller ghouls: Lol Therman
Pepito1395 ghouls: o.o
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: If you use a bomb belt and your gay its fail
Masonkiller ghouls: He threw a bomb at hismself
Pepito1395 ghouls: lol wtf
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: So mason fail
Masonkiller ghouls: It doesnt matters idoit
Masonkiller ghouls: Im sueing you in court
(Deceased gladiator) Kaidara ghouls: fuck man!!!!!!!
YoungHazzerd ghouls: Good man
Pepito1395 ghouls: o.o
(Deceased gladiator) Kaidara ghouls: yall are some good grabin noobs
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: No one cares if you left the closet with your dad helping you with his dick as a but plug
Masonkiller ghouls: Kaidara, this is a grabbing noob place.
(Deceased gladiator) Kaidara ghouls: the first thing yall is do is grab ...
Masonkiller ghouls: Dari RUN!
Pepito1395 shouts: LO
Masonkiller ghouls: Get Wolfe!
Masonkiller ghouls: Hes traitor
Masonkiller ghouls: SIEZE HIM!
Pepito1395 shouts: omg
Masonkiller shouts: Punched to death.
(Deceased gladiator) Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Pep don't get too close to amson
Masonkiller shouts: GRR
(Deceased gladiator) Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: he might kill you by bending over.
Masonkiller shouts: BITE ME!
(Deceased gladiator) Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: mason*
(Deceased gladiator) Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Gj Pep
(Deceased gladiator) Masonkiller ghouls: Get him hazzerd
(Deceased gladiator) Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Gj pep!
Pepito1395 shouts: lol mason
Pepito1395 ghouls: running never works
Pepito1395 ghouls: ;)
YoungHazzerd shouts: it was a stragtical retreat
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: So's your mom. =_=
Pepito1395 ghouls: who was talking to young
Pepito1395 ghouls: o.o
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Don't really care.
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Pep
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: run
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: he has a bomb belt
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Gj with headshot
(Deceased gladiator) YoungHazzerd ghouls: NOTHING LIKE A CHEERLEADER
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Yea lets get your whore of a mom here. :D
Stove999 ghouls: LIES
Stove999 ghouls: :O
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Sup stove?
Stove999 ghouls: hi
Stove999 ghouls: im playing dead frontier :(
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Eh
(Deceased gladiator) YoungHazzerd ghouls: what about you slut of a aunt i saw her on the web
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: I'm botting runescape
Stove999 ghouls: good for u
Temudgjin Wolfe shouts: Roflmao. most my family has no internet
(Deceased gladiator) Darimiux ghouls: wtf??
Stove999 ghouls: :O
(Deceased gladiator) Darimiux ghouls: How in the hell
Stove999 ghouls: did u die
Stove999 ghouls: right?
Stove999 ghouls: :D
(Deceased gladiator) Darimiux ghouls: By something?
(Deceased gladiator) Darimiux ghouls: i ddint run into saws
Stove999 ghouls: u got bombed i think
Stove999 ghouls: LOL
(Deceased gladiator) Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: :P
Stove999 ghouls: im laggy
(Deceased gladiator) Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Good job
Stove999 ghouls: so im not playing
Stove999 ghouls: much
(Deceased gladiator) Pepito1395 ghouls: dari
Pepito1395 ghouls: you died by pandoras
Pepito1395 ghouls: Caught in the evils of Pandora's Box!
Pepito1395 ghouls: thats what your death says o.o
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Mine?
Temudgjin Wolfe shouts: ROflmao you right clicked
Pepito1395 shouts: no umm dari death
Darimiux shouts: Tem lets win this >:D
Temudgjin Wolfe shouts: Mkay.
Pepito1395 shouts: wow
YoungHazzerd ghouls: Fuck te gay ass nigga suck dick on the corner just to support his mother blowjob lessons.
Darimiux shouts: o_o
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Wtf
Pepito1395 shouts: WOW
Darimiux shouts: Bad start
Pepito1395 shouts: im killing that noob
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: I got tked. >.>
Pepito1395 shouts: each time i see him
Darimiux shouts: Tem
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: ?
Darimiux shouts: Team up against hazzerd?
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: I think he got banned.
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: But yea
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: :D
Darimiux shouts: He left XFD
Pepito1395 shouts: he left
Darimiux shouts: XD
Darimiux shouts: When he comes back
Pepito1395 shouts: his a noob
Darimiux shouts: ever
Kaidara shouts: pepito
Pepito1395 shouts: he thinks he can avoid death like that
Pepito1395 shouts: and yes?
Pepito1395 shouts: omg
Pepito1395 shouts: die kai!
Darkzero123 shouts: kamikaze run
Pepito1395 shouts: if not i'll be inside
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Darkzero!
Pepito1395 shouts: soryr
Darkzero123 shouts: :P
Kaidara shouts: noo
Darimiux ghouls: Well i wasnt gonna make it lol
Kaidara ghouls: .....................................
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Your rules got broken by Younghazzerd. :/
Pepito1395 shouts: sorry but you werent able to save me from inside
Kaidara ghouls: i can
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Smoke room
Pepito1395 shouts: next room?
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Troll saws.
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Fan room
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: The saw ground floor thing
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Gj pep
Darimiux ghouls: Owned XD
Kaidara ghouls: i hate u pepito
Darimiux ghouls: Not a scratch lol
Pepito1395 shouts: oh shit
Pepito1395 ghouls: i think they gonna cut my internet any time
Pepito1395 ghouls: lol
Darimiux ghouls: Its stormin as hell here
Darimiux ghouls: Well.. its calmin
Kaidara shouts: bright n shinning here :)
Darimiux ghouls: Lucky >.>
Darimiux ghouls: lol
Pepito1395 ghouls: lol
Pepito1395 ghouls: hurry
Pepito1395 ghouls: lol you took long
Darkzero123 shouts: fuck you bitch
Pepito1395 ghouls: now kill him
Pepito1395 ghouls: ;o
Darkzero123 shouts: i hate you
Pepito1395 ghouls: just hit him with some weapon dude xD
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Roflmao
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: you took to long
(Deceased gladiator) Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: >.>
(Deceased gladiator) Darimiux ghouls: Fk you got me while i was on options >:o
Pepito1395 ghouls: afk
Darimiux shouts: Dark
Darimiux shouts: its pred
Darimiux shouts: Fk
Savage Predator shouts: Good try
Darimiux ghouls: Almost had 3 c4's mixed and a lazer trap
Savage Predator shouts: :P
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Good game
Temudgjin Wolfe shouts: Imma buy a lynx kitten
LeonV.sKrauser761 ghouls: hello?
Temudgjin Wolfe shouts: Spider? D:
Gzbspider01 shouts: i dmg ppl in killer mode
Gzbspider01 shouts: to be safe
LeonV.sKrauser761 ghouls: lol i havent playd this in a while
Darimiux ghouls: LOL
(Deceased killer) Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: D:
Gzbspider01 ghouls: wtf o.o
(Deceased killer) Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Gay
Darimiux ghouls: I got you XD
LeonV.sKrauser761 ghouls: since like 3 months ago
Gzbspider01 ghouls: Temu i forgot u killed me with a nade once....
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: That was on accidant....
Gzbspider01 ghouls: U saw me go that way the nade went
Gzbspider01 ghouls: o.o
Temudgjin Wolfe shouts: Actually i saw torch go that way. D;
Temudgjin Wolfe shouts: I waited a minute after you went that way. D:
Temudgjin Wolfe shouts: I thought youd be at the top... :'(
LeonV.sKrauser761 shouts: ad
LeonV.sKrauser761 shouts: lol?
LeonV.sKrauser761 shouts: Lol?
LeonV.sKrauser761 ghouls: um i forgot how to play o.o
Temudgjin Wolfe shouts: Anyone got c4?
Gzbspider01 shouts: xD
(Deceased killer) Darimiux ghouls: Gg
(Deceased killer) Darimiux ghouls: XD
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: :P
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: I want iron man and uh vodka thingy?
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: achivment.
LeonV.sKrauser761 ghouls: ive never played here
Darimiux ghouls: Get iron mans arm and get alchol lol
Darimiux ghouls: combine XD
Gzbspider01 ghouls: I think he knows
Gzbspider01 ghouls: o.o
Gzbspider01 ghouls: It's juss rare
Darimiux ghouls: Its hard for some reason o.o
LeonV.sKrauser761 ghouls: how i play i forgot
Gzbspider01 ghouls: o.o
Darimiux ghouls: Lol
LeonV.sKrauser761 shouts: yay
Gzbspider01 ghouls: ...
Gzbspider01 shouts: BS temu >:O
Darimiux ghouls: Tems owning XD
Super Goku Dark ghouls: rasengan!!!
(Deceased gladiator) Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Gj
(Deceased gladiator) Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: I had 8 hp
(Deceased gladiator) Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: Wtf does that do anyway?
Darimiux shouts: :P
(Deceased gladiator) Gzbspider01 ghouls: Summons someone
(Deceased gladiator) Gzbspider01 ghouls: -.-
(Deceased gladiator) Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: How i clicked it?
Gzbspider01 ghouls: idk u bugged it :P
Super Goku Dark ghouls: superhero weapons?
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: How did i bug it?
LeonV.sKrauser761 shouts: i hope
Darkzero123 shouts: lag?
Darkzero123 shouts: anyone lagging?
Gzbspider01 ghouls: >.>
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: >:D
LeonV.sKrauser761 ghouls: lag
Gzbspider01 ghouls: ur gay
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: For attacking me
Gzbspider01 ghouls: ur gay for me attackin u? LOL
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: You attacked me! D:
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: I am not gay
Gzbspider01 ghouls: Ugh pep's not here anyway pce guys
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: i have a wife. You don't.
LeonV.sKrauser761 ghouls: im sure no ones gay
LeonV.sKrauser761 ghouls: here
Darkzero123 shouts: ...
Pepito1395 ghouls: back
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: i'm out after this one.
Temudgjin Wolfe ghouls: actually i'm out.
Darimiux ghouls: Dark you could have made a posion smoke bomb lol
Darimiux ghouls: Poison*
Gzbspider01 ghouls: I'm planking >:D
Pepito1395 ghouls: o.o
LeonV.sKrauser761 ghouls: anyone wanna play saw or predator
Pepito1395 ghouls: what is th?
Pepito1395 ghouls: tht?
Pepito1395 ghouls: oh god o.o
Pepito1395 ghouls: why would you make a username like that lol
Gzbspider01 ghouls: u talkin to me chump?
Pepito1395 ghouls: no
LeonV.sKrauser761 ghouls: i think hes talkin to me
Pepito1395 ghouls: btw whats planking?
Gzbspider01 ghouls: umm...
Gzbspider01 ghouls: like....
Gzbspider01 ghouls: when ur pretendin to do pushups but instead of going up & down (dont think wrong) u juss...dont move in push up position
Gzbspider01 ghouls: o.oo
Gzbspider01 shouts: :/
Pepito1395 shouts: o.o
Pepito1395 shouts: lol why would you do that xD
Gzbspider01 shouts: idk :P
LeonV.sKrauser761 ghouls: howd i die?
Darimiux ghouls: Fk
LeonV.sKrauser761 ghouls: caps
Gzbspider01 shouts: pep
Gzbspider01 shouts: this is how it should be
Gzbspider01 shouts: aww
Gzbspider01 shouts: u sually right click
Gzbspider01 shouts: to shoot smoek
Super Goku Dark ghouls: fuck you pepito
Pepito1395 shouts: ty
Pepito1395 shouts: :)
Darimiux ghouls: LMAO
Tarantor116 ghouls: CHEAP
Tarantor116 ghouls: LOLOLOL
Darimiux ghouls: That was Hilarious
Gzbspider01 shouts: I thought gio was cheap
Gzbspider01 shouts: o.o
LeonV.sKrauser761 ghouls: 0
Pepito1395 shouts: hm
Pepito1395 shouts: it wasnt cheap spider
Pepito1395 shouts: i was on the banana
Pepito1395 shouts: he ran at me so i moved
Pepito1395 shouts: xD
Gzbspider01 shouts: wut banana
Torch997 ghouls: o.o
Gzbspider01 shouts: O.o
Torch997 ghouls: :D
Gzbspider01 shouts: Zero that wasnt nice
Gzbspider01 shouts: >.>
Torch997 ghouls: pep was goin crazy O.o
Gzbspider01 ghouls: Unban him now u bich
Gzbspider01 ghouls: Temu told me all about u when someoen kills u
Torch997 shouts: or blame ppl fo somethin
Gzbspider01 shouts: ZERO UNBAM HIM NAU
LeonV.sKrauser761 ghouls: WTF
Gzbspider01 shouts: ZERO STOP BANNIN HIM
Pepito1395 ghouls: wow dark
Pepito1395 ghouls: that was really fucked up dude
Gzbspider01 shouts: Thank you dark
Pepito1395 ghouls: i cant wait to pay my fucking net
Pepito1395 ghouls: to host
Gzbspider01 shouts: and dont do it anymore D:
Pepito1395 ghouls: x.x
LeonV.sKrauser761 ghouls: 0.
Tarantor116 shouts: Need a leg
Tarantor116 shouts: The killer got me
Pepito1395 ghouls: im seriously so pissed off -.-
Gzbspider01 shouts: WAIT ITS KILLER?!
Tarantor116 shouts: LOL
Gzbspider01 shouts: lol
Gzbspider01 shouts: damn i rly need to check the modes xD
Gzbspider01 shouts: HOLY
Darimiux ghouls: Looks like i fell for a trap >.>
Pepito1395 ghouls: o.o
Torch997 shouts: o shit we doin killer
Tarantor116 shouts: Von get me a leg quick
Gzbspider01 shouts: IKR?!
Torch997 shouts: srry about leg tarantor
Pepito1395 ghouls: hmm
Gzbspider01 shouts: i seezero limbing
Tarantor116 shouts: GOT ONE
Pepito1395 ghouls: Hmm...
Pepito1395 ghouls: spider
Gzbspider01 shouts: WAIT A MINUTE
Gzbspider01 shouts: TORCH
Gzbspider01 shouts: U VICTIM?!
Pepito1395 ghouls: theres 66% you guess the killer
Torch997 shouts: yes o.o
Gzbspider01 shouts: 1 killer down
Gzbspider01 shouts: i know hwo other killer is now
Torch997 shouts: meaning it Dark and tarantor
Gzbspider01 shouts: mhm
Pepito1395 ghouls: yea
Pepito1395 ghouls: tara
Pepito1395 ghouls: lol
(Deceased killer) Tarantor116 ghouls: LOSER
(Deceased killer) Tarantor116 ghouls: LOL
Pepito1395 ghouls: he did it on purpose
(Deceased killer) Tarantor116 ghouls: I finally got my leg back and you do that xD
Pepito1395 ghouls: so you cant really laugh at that
Pepito1395 ghouls: o.o
Tarantor116 ghouls: I knew where he was goin
Torch997 ghouls: wtf tarantor i trusted u >:o
Gzbspider01 ghouls: Pep howd u know :O
Pepito1395 ghouls: well...
Pepito1395 ghouls: Dark was killer
Torch997 ghouls: so it was good that i got yo leg blown off
Gzbspider01 ghouls: Im used to the pointing and laughing thing at my school
Gzbspider01 ghouls: o.o
Pepito1395 shouts: and Tara was next to him
Pepito1395 shouts: trying to help him
Pepito1395 shouts: so my guess was he was killer
Gzbspider01 shouts: Ya i saw that before atra left
Gzbspider01 shouts: *tara
Pepito1395 shouts: 50% he was lol
Darkzero123 shouts: Pepito i love you
Gzbspider01 shouts: oh crap my chickens got both of them xD
Pepito1395 shouts: i dont
LeonV.sKrauser761 shouts: yay saw
Tarantor116 shouts: I wasn't trying to help him
Pepito1395 shouts: i might seriously tk you right now dark
Tarantor116 shouts: I saw him soo
Super Goku Dark shouts: were are the door
Gzbspider01 shouts: MOVE FROM DOOR IM DYIN
Gzbspider01 shouts: GOD DAMN FUCKERS
Gzbspider01 shouts: SO IT WAS U!
Pepito1395 shouts: oh WOW
Pepito1395 shouts: dark
Pepito1395 shouts: dont ban me when i tk you then
Pepito1395 shouts: afk
Pepito1395 shouts: <.<
Tarantor116 shouts: LOL At pep
Pepito1395 shouts: SPIDER
Pepito1395 shouts: help
LeonV.sKrauser761 shouts: ima die here
Torch997 shouts: i got tazer >:D
Gzbspider01 shouts: OMG
Pepito1395 shouts: ur so stupid goku
Pepito1395 shouts: dont let him go
Gzbspider01 ghouls: ikr?
Darkzero123 shouts: :3
Gzbspider01 ghouls: -.-
Pepito1395 ghouls: Dark
Pepito1395 ghouls: seriously
Pepito1395 ghouls: if you want to play this
Gzbspider01 ghouls: dont ban
Pepito1395 ghouls: dont end up banning me like a kid then
Gzbspider01 ghouls: o.o
Tarantor116 shouts: WT
Darkzero123 shouts: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Tarantor116 shouts: Ha
Darkzero123 shouts: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooo
LeonV.sKrauser761 shouts: nooooooo
Torch997 shouts: Dark stop :D
Darkzero123 shouts: *then a vilion plays in the background
LeonV.sKrauser761 shouts: noooo
Darimiux shouts: -_-
Pepito1395 ghouls: oh god o.o
LeonV.sKrauser761 shouts: hahaha we fail
Tarantor116 ghouls: WE ALL DIE NAO
Darkzero123 shouts: kamikaze run
Darimiux shouts: -_-
Pepito1395 ghouls: LOL
Darimiux shouts: Wow
LeonV.sKrauser761 shouts: ima firen ma lazer
Darimiux shouts: Fail run >.>
Pepito1395 ghouls: k get ready dark
Darkzero123 ghouls: ok i'm ready to ban you
Pepito1395 ghouls: lol
Pepito1395 ghouls: i see how it is...
Gzbspider01 ghouls: DARK STOP DOIN THAT!
Gzbspider01 ghouls: GOD DAMN MOTHER FUCKER
LeonV.sKrauser761 shouts: ummm
(Deceased gladiator) Tarantor116 ghouls: HAHA BISH
(Deceased gladiator) Tarantor116 ghouls: Suicided on your ah
(Deceased gladiator) LeonV.sKrauser761 ghouls: haha
(Deceased gladiator) LeonV.sKrauser761 ghouls: i killed two people
(Deceased gladiator) Tarantor116 ghouls: Nah I dragged us into your bomb
Gzbspider01 ghouls: byond://
Gzbspider01 ghouls: byond://
(Deceased gladiator) Darimiux ghouls: Lucky
Shriek63 shouts: etf
(Deceased gladiator) Darimiux ghouls: ?
(Deceased gladiator) LeonV.sKrauser761 ghouls: haha
LeonV.sKrauser761 shouts: lol?
Darkzero123 ghouls: i unbanned him
Gzbspider01 ghouls: byond://
Gzbspider01 ghouls: byond://
Gzbspider01 ghouls: byond://
Gzbspider01 ghouls: Any wishes u guys have :D
Gzbspider01 ghouls: can grant true :3
(Deceased gladiator) LeonV.sKrauser761 ghouls: i wanna be a billionaire :D
Gzbspider01 ghouls: byond:// im sure he has hacking powers to do that
(Deceased gladiator) LeonV.sKrauser761 ghouls: :O
(Deceased gladiator) LeonV.sKrauser761 ghouls: i wanna play predator:P
(Deceased gladiator) Super Goku Dark ghouls: who is the host?
(Deceased gladiator) Super Goku Dark ghouls: i what ?
Gzbspider01 ghouls: Oh
Gzbspider01 ghouls: it's someone u never met before
Gzbspider01 ghouls: Osama Bin Laden :D
Gzbspider01 ghouls: My hero :3
(Deceased gladiator) Super Goku Dark ghouls: who is the host?
(Deceased gladiator) LeonV.sKrauser761 ghouls: dude dont even joke about that
Darkzero123 shouts: i want to kill meyself
Tarantor116 shouts: I had to answer the door to BISH
Tarantor116 shouts: Thats why I paused
Tarantor116 ghouls: LOL
Tarantor116 ghouls: Disrespected yo head
Gzbspider01 ghouls: ok its pep
Gzbspider01 ghouls: D:
Darkzero123 shouts: i unban Pepito
Darkzero123 shouts: Tking
LeonV.sKrauser761 shouts: omg?
Gzbspider01 shouts: Dark u unbaned pep so u can ban him again huh?
Tarantor116 ghouls: FUCK
Tarantor116 ghouls: I came to blow his ass up but I HAD to joke around
Tarantor116 ghouls: For the lols
Tarantor116 ghouls: I shouldn't killed him
Tarantor116 ghouls: Should'ver
Tarantor116 ghouls: should've*
Darkzero123 ghouls: no
Darkzero123 ghouls: no
Shriek63 ghouls: woot
Darkzero123 ghouls: noo
Tarantor116 shouts: I hadz me like 3223432 frags
Darkzero123 shouts: i've got to fucking grow up
Tarantor116 shouts: Same
Tarantor116 shouts: RUN
Hunter Predator shouts: Ghost banana?
Gzbspider01 ghouls: byond://
Darkzero123 ghouls: behind you
Tarantor116 ghouls: LOL
Tarantor116 ghouls: NO
Tarantor116 shouts: I'mma kill him dius time. Where'd everyone go to?
Tarantor116 shouts: LOL
(Deceased predator) Darimiux ghouls: Fking banana
Tarantor116 shouts: The ol Bannana trick
Tarantor116 shouts: Set you up
(Deceased predator) Darimiux ghouls: I didn't pay attention >.>
Darkzero123 ghouls: i think i should tell him i'm sorry
Savage Predator shouts: MY TURN
Savage Predator shouts: BISHES
Gzbspider01 ghouls: byond://
Gzbspider01 ghouls: byond://
Darimiux shouts: Wow
Savage Predator shouts: Lol
Super Goku Dark ghouls: fuck
Darimiux ghouls: I can tell your aiming for me tarantor
Savage Predator shouts: Time to have fun with you
Savage Predator shouts: Damn you died off
Tarantor116 shouts: Just happen to start next to you
Brute Predator shouts: Mhm
Tarantor116 shouts: LOL
Tarantor116 shouts: DAMN
Brute Predator shouts: Saved lol
Tarantor116 ghouls: With no no hands
Tarantor116 ghouls: I think I deserve a chance
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