Wyrda wrote:
Higashi no Eden - This was recommended to me, it's only 11 episodes long! Has it's moments, but feels rushed.

Personally, I found that to be quite bad. It's dull, the story is loopy, and the payoff was a letdown. TTGL on the other hand is forged from pure manliness.
That list is... wow. Maybe someday...
You guys have seen so much.
SuperAntx wrote:
EmpirezTeam wrote:
You guys watch the weirdest stuff.

If by weird you mean awesome, then yes.

Leave this place and go back to watching Naruto.

Also, mine's bigger.

I approve of your tastes. Though Banner of the Stars II and Haibane deserve higher spots. And I dunno how you can rate Elfen below the first Pokemon movie.

edit- also you are pathetic for having watched a thousand hours' worth of anime and still not having watched Monster.
Hey, don't you even think about dissing the Pokemon movie. Anything with Mewtwo in it is an automatic 2 thumbs up.
Toadfish wrote:
I approve of your tastes. Though Banner of the Stars II and Haibane deserve higher spots. And I dunno how you can rate Elfen below the first Pokemon movie.

Haibane Renmei was an interesting concept, it reminds me a lot of Sound of the Sky. The difference between the two is Sound of the Sky is much more subtle with its background history and there's much more of it. I still rated Haibane higher, though, because the character development and conclusion was much better.

I rated Banner 'very good' because it was just that, very good. Where it fell short was it lacked the sort of intricate political intrigue LOGH had, though it had some. My biggest problem with the show was how lame the male protagonist was. He was always kinda just there in the background or holding people back, which was the basis of the third season. He doesn't really change all that much between the first and final episodes.

you are pathetic for having watched a thousand hours' worth of anime and still not having watched Monster.

74 episodes is a huge time investment. From what I've heard, reviews have been a little spotty. People have been very quick to give it praise then just as quick to retract that praise after a little discussion.

As for Elfen Lied, there isn't enough room for me to describe just how terrible that show was. The only thing remarkable about it is how many people think showing a little nudity or gore automatically makes something good.
SuperAntx wrote:
Personally, I found that to be quite bad. It's dull, the story is loopy, and the payoff was a letdown. TTGL on the other hand is forged from pure manliness.

Personally, I don't mind loopy stories. I can understand your other two points though. I just couldn't get into TTGL, maybe it's 'cause I began watching the show with high expectations after hearing so much about it from friends and people on MAL.

As for Elfen Lied, there isn't enough room for me to describe just how terrible that show was. The only thing remarkable about it is how many people think showing a little nudity or gore automatically makes something good.

Couldn't agree more.
:( according to http://myanimelist.net/animelist/Teka123

I've seen more than 3000 hours of anime and... i have not yet watched monster yet either.. :(

but i may get round to it soon.
SuperAntx wrote:
Haibane Renmei was an interesting concept, it reminds me a lot of Sound of the Sky. The difference between the two is Sound of the Sky is much more subtle with its background history and there's much more of it. I still rated Haibane higher, though, because the character development and conclusion was much better.

I think Sound of the Sky is infinitely inferior. Haibane is an extremely unique anime in that it's a thematic masterpiece with no actual plot whatsoever. I appreciate it more every time I rewatch it. Consider doing the same yourself.

I rated Banner 'very good' because it was just that, very good. Where it fell short was it lacked the sort of intricate political intrigue LOGH had, though it had some. My biggest problem with the show was how lame the male protagonist was. He was always kinda just there in the background or holding people back, which was the basis of the third season. He doesn't really change all that much between the first and final episodes.

I don't think it's the kind of series you would approach with a LoGH mindset. Political intrigue was just there as a cool factor (though this is in stark contrast to the original novels), and I can see this aspect of it being a disappointment. The first two series are an adventure series through and through, and the third shone with an intricate, uniformly excellent character drama. I would personally give it at least Excellent.

you are pathetic for having watched a thousand hours' worth of anime and still not having watched Monster.

74 episodes is a huge time investment. From what I've heard, reviews have been a little spotty. People have been very quick to give it praise then just as quick to retract that praise after a little discussion.

I wouldn't go as far as calling it a masterpiece (but I can definitely see it pinned down as such), but it is a very, very good, solid series and, seeing as you liked LoGH and the such you will most likely enjoy it a lot. 'Feel'-wise I'd describe it as something of a mature (non-scifi) LoGH/DtB hybrid with something of an adventure focus, though on a personal rather than epic scale. And hey, huge time investment my ass, great anime are a great way to spend your free time.

As for Elfen Lied, there isn't enough room for me to describe just how terrible that show was. The only thing remarkable about it is how many people think showing a little nudity or gore automatically makes something good.

I can see why people would pin it as an 'average' series, but production values alone should elevate it above 'awful' status. Unless you're rating the series by how much you liked it, rather than its actual quality, in which case I can understand if you'd dislike something like Elfen.
Discussing Spice&Wolf, I think the first season was great (second so-so), but I don't know what about it makes people brand it a 9.5/10 series. Yes it's cute, it has an awesome furry character (this seems to be 90% of the reason people like it), but looking at it objectively there's no way it gets a 9.5. The pacing and direction are below average, the animation is hardly amazing, and I'm not sure if we define 'storyline' as the same thing, but there was hardly any (it should learn from Wolf's Rain in this regard). Horo being terrific isn't enough for this kind of score.
Actually, in my review it says one thing I didnt like about the show was her tail and ears.

The pacing was slow, but I didn't mind that because the writing was brilliant in my opinion. The dialogue made them feel like real people to me.( Which was why I hated the wolf tail and ears.)

The direction was unknown. The business deals always had some complication which required great brainpower to get themselves out of. I liked the last minute trump card/one-up maneuvers they had in the show.

As far as the animation, there wasn't a whole lot of action to animate, but what they had to do was pleasing to the eye, so I have no reason to deduct any points there.

Obviously some animes everyone can pull together and just say this is bad.(Even though some diehards still say its good) But others range because everyone has different preferences.

Even your history of anime effects ratings. If you've seen a lot, you're more likely to be less impressed by future animes,and it takes a truly amazing and fresh anime to receive your top score. I haven't seen nearly the amount others on this page have, so maybe this seems more fresh to me than others.

I just started watching Spice and Wolf weeks ago and actually enjoy it. Though I'm not yet done with it because I keep getting distracted. Lol
Any chance i can suggest watching "Steins Gate".

It's not my typical anime but it's brilliantly made in my opinion from what i've seen so far. It's up to episode 19 at the moment.

It's an intelligent and unusual and very well written anime.:)
Sure. I guess my next three reviews are lined up.
Toadfish wrote:
Haibane is an extremely unique anime in that it's a thematic masterpiece with no actual plot whatsoever.

What I was getting at was Sound of the Sky has a looooot of stuff going on in the background while Haibane Renmei had very little in comparison. Sound of the Sky is mostly a "cute girls doing cute things" sort of show, Haibane wasn't. Haibane is a better show overall, but it could have been a lot better.

Discussing Spice&Wolf, I think the first season was great (second so-so), but I don't know what about it makes people brand it a 9.5/10 series. Yes it's cute, it has an awesome furry character (this seems to be 90% of the reason people like it), but looking at it objectively there's no way it gets a 9.5.

A lot of what made the show great was the banter between Lawrence and Holo. It was very sharp and flowed naturally, it's an example of superb writing. It could have easily just been another romantic comedy/harem sort of show but it wasn't. It was damn serious with its economics; small things like the properties and value of different coins weren't just glossed over, they were described in detail. The pyrite bidding war during the second season was probably my favorite part of the show.

Also, a simple way to determine if a character is furry or not is whether they have human skin or fur. Holo has human skin, so she's more akin to a cat girl than a furry.

Teka123 wrote:
Any chance i can suggest watching "Steins Gate".

Wasn't I the one who recommended that do you? :p Steins;Gate is one of the shows I'm actively watching right now, the others being Usagi Drop and Nichijou. It's really good so far, it reminds me of the movie Primer.
What I was getting at was Sound of the Sky has a looooot of stuff going on in the background while Haibane Renmei had very little in comparison. Sound of the Sky is mostly a "cute girls doing cute things" sort of show, Haibane wasn't. Haibane is a better show overall, but it could have been a lot better.

I guess it's a matter of how you approach the series. I don't think Haibane had much of a plot going on, but I never thought it needed to have a plot. The setting is where its strength is. Actually, now looking at your list, I can tell you (almost) exclusively like series with a very strong focus on plot, so that might explain why you didn't like Haibane too much. I'm guessing you won't be impressed by .hack//Sign (another great anime) for much the same reasons.

A lot of what made the show great was the banter between Lawrence and Holo. It was very sharp and flowed naturally, it's an example of superb writing. It could have easily just been another romantic comedy/harem sort of show but it wasn't. It was damn serious with its economics; small things like the properties and value of different coins weren't just glossed over, they were described in detail. The pyrite bidding war during the second season was probably my favorite part of the show.

I think the banter was excellent, but it wasn't good enough to carry the series through. I also didn't have much of an interest in the trade plots, which might've influenced my opinion. I would've liked this series a lot more if it focused on Horo (incidentally, fuck the English adaptation of her name, Horo is much better, and it's how her name is spelt in Japanese anyhow) and Lawrence's journey to the North rather than economics. It still gets a solid 8.5 from me, but it could've been so much better.

Also, a simple way to determine if a character is furry or not is whether they have human skin or fur. Holo has human skin, so she's more akin to a cat girl than a furry.

To be honest, I don't bother making a distinction, and I could care less whether a character is a furry or not.

Wasn't I the one who recommended that do you? :p Steins;Gate is one of the shows I'm actively watching right now, the others being Usagi Drop and Nichijou. It's really good so far, it reminds me of the movie Primer.

Since you trolled me a few times with how visual novels are mindless porn, I'd like to mention Steins;Gate is a direct (and somewhat worse) adaptation of a visual novel (which has no hentai whatsoever).
Toadfish wrote:
Since you trolled me a few times with how visual novels are mindless porn, I'd like to mention Steins;Gate is a direct (and somewhat worse) adaptation of a visual novel (which has no hentai whatsoever).

I'm well aware of the origin of Steins;Gate, but it hasn't been translated yet as far as I know. I still stand by my assertion that the vast majority of visual novels are just hentai. Stuff like Steins;Gate and Umineko are rare exceptions.

If it wasn't for the porn they would be written as light novels.
I'm well aware of the origin of Steins;Gate, but it hasn't been translated yet as far as I know. I still stand by my assertion that the vast majority of visual novels are just hentai. Stuff like Steins;Gate and Umineko are rare exceptions.

The (not vast) majority of visual novels are hentai, but there is a significant amount of plot-focused visual novels that just have hentai (kind of like a sex scene in a movie). Steins;Gate and Umineko are both much inferior to certain VNs which happen to have sex, but have a much better plot. Asserting a VN is mindless hentai because it has a few scenes is like asserting a movie is porn because there's sex somewhere in it. Porn sells, so they include it, but I could give you a hundred examples of movies with sex that are worth watching.

And yes, Steins;Gate hasn't been translated yet (there's a translation project ongoing I believe).

If it wasn't for the porn they would be written as light novels.

If what wasn't for the porn? Steins;Gate and Umineko don't have porn.
Toadfish wrote:
If what wasn't for the porn? Steins;Gate and Umineko don't have porn.

I didn't say they did. What I was referring to is the fact the CG's in visual novels allow the authors to insert nude scenes into them. If it wasn't for that they would be written as light novels.

The "choose your own adventure" aspect of these visual novels is almost always restricted to picking which girl you want to see naked. This supports my previous statement in saying visual novels are just porn, a convoluted series of choices with the goal of seeing someone naked at the end.
I didn't say they did. What I was referring to is the fact the CG's in visual novels allow the authors to insert nude scenes into them. If it wasn't for that they would be written as light novels.

I'm not sure if you're trolling, or if you're clueless enough that you actually think CGs are just used for porn. Many, many pornless VNs have CGs, and statistically, the amount of non-porn CGs is much larger in any non-porn oriented VN. What's more, CGs are hardly the only feature a visual novel has that's different from a light novel (voices, BGM/sound effects, choice points, sometimes anime-ish cutscenes, character art, et cetera).

The "choose your own adventure" aspect of these visual novels is almost always restricted to picking which girl you want to see naked. This supports my previous statement in saying visual novels are just porn, a convoluted series of choices with the goal of seeing someone naked at the end.

Except you haven't played nearly enough VNs to actually make that judgement (how many have you played?). If you want me to, I could easily give you twenty examples to the contrary.
Actually, I'm going to give you twenty examples to the contrary. Will edit this post as I go.

http://vndb.org/v11 - this is translated, you can play it and see for yourself (three major choices do determine who you 'have sex with', but that's HARDLY the focus)
http://vndb.org/v4 - romance focused, but pornless
http://vndb.org/v751 - ditto
http://vndb.org/v45 - this has an anime, I think
http://vndb.org/v1913 / http://vndb.org/v1306
http://vndb.org/v3971 - many choices for changing point-of-view and branching the plot (depends on whether the Russian Roulette succeeds)
http://vndb.org/v38 - romance focused, but pornless
http://vndb.org/v2016 - heroine-focused choices, but the focus is not porn or romance, completely different plot per route

Okay I'm too otaku for this. You get the idea anyhow.
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