Initially, I did not fully comprehend this particular “flick”. Luckily a Firefox user (who is obviously more intelligent than me, due to the fact that they are using the FireFox browser and I choose not to) was kind enough to reiterate the flick for me in terms my inferior brain could understand.

“btw this is saying that firefox is funny and that ie is dumb... even internationally people get it...
go arabic!”

Thanks, buddy.
Old and not funny.

Old and not funny.

Who, you?
I don't think that it's funny because of the message; I just liked the concept/joke itself.

And is posting something that is two or three weeks old taboo on the internet these days? If it is then I'll make sure to search around online for a couple of hours everyday so that that I post stuff like this the same day that it's released. Or not.
Ironiclly, it was flickering on my FireFox browser, but worked fine in an IE tab. Perhaps this was intended and I just missed the joke?
Haha! That was awesome. I like IE and firefox, though I hate Netscape. So the message didn't work for me as much, but it sure was funny.