The first BYONDcast Event has ended! Sorry to anyone who missed it! ):
Our first event, Shadowdarke's Tanks opened at 21:45PM and finally came to a close last night at 23:00PM USA Central Time. It was a TON of fun and anyone that attended would agree. The only thing that did arise was the problem with people's controls not functioning as planned by Shadowdarke. Mainly the Enter key which was mapped to shoot.
So next time I'll be sure to include an entire briefing on the controls before announcing a new contest, but we shouldn't have to worry about the next event as the game's controls are up to par with BYOND's current interface system.
The next BYONDcast Event will be at a similar time, the game will be announced during this Tuesday's BYONDcast.
To those of you who missed the event, we hope to see you in the next event and better luck next time!
Off-Topic Note: I've upgraded to Motorola CLEARwire internet just today. It's a big improvement from 1mpbs/0.8mbps.
