Anime HQ wrote:
The. Bible is real nd doesn't lie(mostly) and god exist I knw it for a fact...I've witnessed too muchh

What do you mean by mostly?
They say the bible some people used today has been chanqed nd edited to some peoples satisfaction from backk then. Idkk if its true but I know its possible...
I can understand you, but it would be better if you used better grammar. I respect your religious beliefs, Anime, but this is not to argue. I want to know... How can people assume there is nothing before the beggining and yet expect for there to never be an end?
I understand and sorry I'm using my phone so I can't really type like a normalperson. And get on msn so we can talk [email protected] nd I ask myself that question but there's always somethinq that reassures me its hard to explain you must be a celestian to understand...others may understand but let's talk on msn
O and I just really read you questuion I dnt knw about others but I know here will be a end so I'm prepared...
"How can people assume there is nothing before the beggining and yet expect for there to never be an end?"

A lot of people believe the universe is infinite. Again this would have to relate back to the Big Bang/Big Collapse ideas, but if something is infinite it has no beginning and no end.
Then what is the point? The point of the universe? Where did it come from? Why is it here? Why are we here? I mean... it's too much for me to think of something with no end or beggining. Too big to comprehend.

Putting all references to God aside... what's going to happen in a couple of decades? World War Three? Discovery of "Mythological Creatures" like Bigfoot or Unicorns? Aliens/Other lifeforms? If it's true that there's over 50+ planets that could be lived on and there are billions of galaxies... it would be impossible for us to be alone. And there is a big chance that at least one of these other "civilizations" could be more advanced than us.

Could it be possible that humanity has been manipulated by other beings and it has been interpreted as angels and God and other things?
God has no beginning or end. But he's supposed to be too big to comprehend - we aren't supposed to be able to.

Nobody can predict the future. It's senseless to ask these questions - if they arise, then we will deal with them. If they don't, humans will find something to do to keep ourselves from being bored.

Don't worry too much.
The point of the universe depends on who's right. Since I think I'm right, I say the point of the universe is to give glory to God. If you're a Jew, same thing (Still different from Christians since they don't believe Jesus is God). If you're a Muslim, same thing (Also a different God technically than Christians and also Jews). Hindu, reach Nirvana. Atheist, there is no point to the universe. Etc.
...Alright then. Thanks, I guess. Nothing more to be sai- Wait.

Masterdarwin88 wrote:
Could it be possible that humanity has been manipulated by other beings and it has been interpreted as angels and God and other things?
Like the Ancient Aliens?

Anything like that is "possible," but again it's not exactly the greatest thing to ask. It has no answer and no way of finding an answer. You'd be better asking if aliens exist, because that's something we actually may be able to search for.

However, we should remember that archaeologists may discover the Nephilim and portray those as something else. That definitely would be an interesting find though.
I watched that Ancient Aliens show a bit on History. It's a load of bull. Everyone on that show was a complete crackpot, at least most of them. Not to say it isn't possible, but it just doesn't fit very well with a lot main-stream religions like Christianity. They can make things up for bits and pieces of the Bible, but changing the idea of the story of Noah and saying it's all the aliens doesn't change the entire picture of the Bible, which is about Jesus.
I see. Aliens/Angels interbreeded with humans, God forced to flood Earth and kill everyone except Noah, his Family, and the animals, because they were of pure bloodlines.

Idk. Thanks for clearing away my doubt on the subject of God making the Universe? I'm looking forward to the next "Curiosity" episode.
God kept Noah because he was the only righteous person on the Earth at the time. Everyone/thing else, including the Nephilim (which we don't know exactly what they are, but most interpret them as the sons of fallen angels), God destroyed because it was all evil.
Well, God only created Adam and Eve. Where did the foriegn women that Cain and Adam's other sons found come from?
We can guess that Adam and Eve also has women children, since women are not recorded very often in the Bible unless they are very important.
It surprises me how many people actually believe that's an actual argument against the Bible.

Read it carefully.

Genesis 4:17 Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch.

Genesis 5:4 The days of Adam after he fathered Seth were 800 years; and he had other sons and daughters.

It's obvious that brothers had to marry sisters back in the beginning. The world would not be able to continue if it were not so. If you pay attention, there is no date as to when Cain meets his wife or bears his son. As well, note that Cain knew who his wife was prior to any particular arrangements for them to be wed, implying that they had already had some sort of relationship. Therefore, Cain's wife was either his sister, or a niece.
They had to marry each other in order to start the human race. God made it like that. Now, if a brother fucks his sister, his daughter/son will be fucked up.
How interesting. I had never noticed it actually recorded that they had daughters.
CauTi0N wrote:
Genesis 4:17 Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch.

I always thought this was the bible's way of saying they slept together. Go figure.

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