Lots and lots of things have been happening, projects floating, progress made, and all sorts of personal goals achieved. Since the BYOND community played such a big role in shaping my talents, and since I have so many friends here - I'd thought I would post a quick update.
Verm and I
Have been toying around with ideas of making a game that would take advantage of BYOND's new Isometric capabilities. The idea was to make a very moldable-player driven Tactics Fighter Sims that would allow players to customize and share Characters, Skills, Equipment, Maps, and Storylines.

We've also began to work on Efencea again, something that I'm really looking forward to sharing once we've made Significant progress.
I've been
Working out of a creative media angency bassed in Philadelphia. I'm a web-developer there, which is Ironic because I'm sure everyone thought I'd end up as some kind of Designer. I've learned a lot about programming and it all has allowed me to have a more balanced perspective on all types of creative projects.
We're starting
A Webolization company called Webolize
- we're going to specialize in making Websites and helping companies establish their web presence. It's all still in the works, you can check out our Facebook and Twitter - all forms of exposure is greatly appreciated (Share, likes, word of mouth) and anyone who comes to me with a solid referral will receive a nice finder's fee.
Let me know
What have you guys been up to? Haven't really kept up with BYOND news - any links to recent highlights would be awesome.