As you are all aware, with the rise of BYOND's new design, fangames are put a little to the side. With the "Featured" system, the best way to get your games noticed is to become a BYOND member with an original game. These things are cool, I like this thought. However, the stress that it puts on the need to advertise to get players on one's game seems to push some players to extremes.
Players use mass pages to get players on their games. This is nothing new. I am proposing an adjustment to the pager system. The ability to "block out" mass pages that you are a part of. When a person tries to send a message to more than, say 5 people (and it doesn't have to be 5, it can be more, it can be less) the message goes out. But in preferences, a person has an option to "block mass pages" which, if toggled, will not allow them to receive these mass pages.
This is by no means urgent or necessary, but I have received 2 types of mass pages. Those advertising, and those yelling at advertisers. The people yelling at advertisers often threaten with "pager ban" or something. I've actually considered this. I think the root of the problem is that friends like similar games. If your friend is on the game, and you're friends with a bunch of people that like the same game, you're gonna get the mass pages from all of your friends mass paging.
The reason I propose this is because while I do not approve of my friends mass paging me advertisements (which they apologize when I ask them to stop) I do not want to put them on ignore because then I can't talk to them period. And I'm sure many people feel the same way.
![]() Aug 2 2011, 4:14 pm (Edited on Aug 2 2011, 6:14 pm)
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This should have been removed a long time ago, or at least functionally limited/optional. On top of that, the [Join] link needs to say the name of the game or server. I literally get these retarded pages every day, and the idiots sending them NEVER say what game its actually for. Usually they don't even send a message as "informative" as the one posted above.
I use the pager's mass-page feature quite often, though not to all of my pager contacts. It seems like it'd be a better idea to limit the number of contacts you can send a single page to.
The pager was never intended to be used for spam. This isn't just a guy paging people on his friends list; he sent out a mass-page to a targeted list who had nothing to do with him. That's spam.
Sorry to kind of, er, use your topic as a soap box, but I'm just going to throw this back up BYONDHelp?command=view_tracker_issue&tracker_issue=1965 I personally like having my pager on because I want certain people to be able to contact me without giving them my messaging contact info. So I have them added to my pager, and I have my pager set to private. But then random idiots, like the one mentioned above, go ahead and add me to their pager, and spam the shit out of me until I have to pager ban them. I noticed that Lummox's argument as to why that particular user's advertisements were spam was largely because those people weren't his friends. But what if they were his friends, but they just didn't know it or didn't want to be? Does that make it any less annoying or spammy? No. Not at all. Private mode should just filter out pages from people that you don't have on your friends list. All it does right now is show you offline for people who aren't on your friends list, which is almost useless when people do these mass pages. This modification would solve this problem almost completely. |
This is a bit OT but it would be nice if when you received a page sent to multiple users at once that it would show the group name (name1,name2....) and the sender name so that you know whether you are the only person receiving the message or not. i sometimes confuse the two, but most of the time my pager is on private so it is not much of a problem
I still get these pages constantly.
<--(6:26 pm) Kinglionking: Fun game!! [Join] <--(8:04 pm) Kinglionking: Really fun and balanced dbz game, come try it out!! [Join] <--(2:26 pm) Kinglionking: Sup [Join] <--(2:29 pm) LightningNinja91: Updated the game to v1.79. Join if you got the guts to! [Join] There was more but I restarted the pager recently. |
I think that the mass-page peeps would quickly figure this out, and simply start paging people individually.
DT, I don't want to remove mass paging, I just want to limit it a bit. The main difference between our ideas is that I permit it while allowing a person to control whether or not they receive it, and you outright get rid of it.
And I already thought of that Murrawhip. But if they're so determined to mass page by going through their pager individually, I figured they may as well. The idea isn't to stop mass paging, it's to stop spam mass paging. Even if mass pages were removed, it would still allow one to individually spam each person on their friends list. It's the flaw in the design no matter what. |
It seems like a logical step forward to separate mass pages from individual pages.
It's as simple as making mass pages not cause the icon to ping and flash. (This can be a simple option.) Doesn't seem that hard to implement. Of course, it'd be better if those messages could be blocked altogether. |
I suggested something to resolve this using existing BYOND pager functionality a while ago. Here's the feature request. BYONDHelp?command=view_tracker_issue&tracker_issue=1965 This is an extremely annoying issue overall. Communication through the pager while in private mode should only be allowed if both parties have eachother on their pager. Otherwise communication should be filtered. I want to leave my pager on, but I don't want random idiots to have the freedom to contact me. It's quite stupid that the pager allows for this away. In fact, you've successfully implemented a social system with worse privacy than Facebook (a very difficult feat in itself). |
Not only is this extremely annoying to have the pager going off constantly, but it's also a deterrent for new users and just adds to the bad mojo that BYOND already gets on the outside. We don't want people thinking the software is just something people can use to spam each other with.
I'm logged into 2 NEStalgia servers right now, and I got the same message twice at the same time, which is how I figured out that they were just using the NEStalgia players list to mass-grab names.
There are a ton of other means we have for sending messages to multiple people at once, we don't really need this functionality on the pager.