I read this book in school, and it's called "Sixth Grade Secrets: by Lous Sarcher (Or somthing like that).
The book is about a 6th grade where you aren't allowed to have clubs, but this one girl has a secret one.
This boy in her class who likes her alot want's in the club, because he found out about it.
She was going to let him, but she thought he better have 'insurance' to make sure he doesn't blab.
She was gonna make him wair this pink muumuu dress, but then when he was there, she mad a split second desision. Ans she told him he had to kiss her. As he was going to, she brought up this thing about a note e sent her earlier on in the year.
He sent it saying he knew about the blub, but this bitch in her class changed it, and said that unless she kissed him, he would tell.
Well, anyway..
The guy gets mad and storms off because he called her a liar because she claimed that he wrote the note, and then he makes yet another secret club.
They have fueds in class and out.
One day, the boy finds the girls place where she keeps all the 'insurance' from all the other members.
He shows it all to the school.
Then afterward. he ends up becoming frinds with her again.
He was at her house appologising, and she had the perfect chance to kiss him, because she liked him, at the paint
And she made him eat a raw egg...
Apr 26 2006, 2:21 am