Kidpaddle45 wrote:
Alright ,keep changing subject,but i'll reformulate it one last time.

Now the big question that i'd like to end this debate with is:
Why are there Mulims terrorists and not Christians terrorist.

MY answer is: YOU create your terrorist.
By that i mean ,Anders Behring Breivik attacked innocent people to protect christianity from muslims and that is not where the problem is.

The problem is that he is no longer considered a christian after this event but yet when its a Muslim who does it,he's a MUSLIM TERRORIST.

Islamic terrorism is a term for acts of terrorism committed by Muslims for the purpose of achieving varying political and/or religious ends.
He's a Muslim.
He's a terrorist.
Thus, the word is born, Muslim terrorist.

Great.You answered me and answered yourself.

He's Christian
He's a Terrorist
He's a Christian Terrorist.

He's a Muslim.
He's a terrorist.
He's a Muslim Terrorist.
Kidpaddle45 wrote:
Great.You answered me and answered yourself.

He's Christian
He's a Terrorist
He's a Christian Terrorist.

He's a Muslim.
He's a terrorist.
He's a Muslim Terrorist.

Now let's add another thing in then. ;)

He's a Muslim.
He's a terrorist.
His terrorism comes from his religious belief.
He's a Muslim Terrorist.
Ganing wrote:
"Now let's add another thing in then. ;)

He's a Muslim.
He's a terrorist.
His terrorism comes from his religious belief.
He's a Muslim Terrorist."

Oh god,by that you mean that the quran says to kill innocent people?

If so,than i would suggest to learn a bit about islam and not go so easy on calling yourself an ignorant about Islam during such a debate. Because it is no where stated to kill innocent people like that.
Kidpaddle45 wrote:
Ganing wrote:
"Now let's add another thing in then. ;)

He's a Muslim.
He's a terrorist.
His terrorism comes from his religious belief.
He's a Muslim Terrorist."

Oh god,by that you mean that the quran says to kill innocent people?

If so,than i would suggest to learn a bit about islam and not go so easy on calling yourself an ignorant about Islam. Because it is no where stated to kill innocent people like that.

Then tell me what fuels them? What fuels these Muslims to kill?
What fuels them is their misinterpretation of Islam or simply some organisations like mentioned in earlier comments.

No one realy knows, and if we did,we would know what encouraged Anders Behring Breivik to attack those innocent people.
I agree with you Ganing, a true follower of Christ wouldn't do that unless he fell very far from the faith or seriously for some reason believed that would be ok.

To KidPaddle:
Well the Sharia Law which most traditional Muslims follows is pretty radical, or should I say say a bit brutal. Men can hit their wives, homosexuals killed (I'm not all for homo sexuality either, but that's extreme.), fornicators are to be stoned (There goes half of America!), etc.

"Traditional Muslims who understand the Quran and the hadith believe that sharia (Islamic law) expresses the highest and best goals for all societies. It is the will of Allah." - James Arlandson

Even if Sharia Law had it's ups, those are some pretty big downs.

Kidpaddle45 wrote:
What fuels them is their misinterpretation of Islam or simply some organisation like mentioned in earlier comments.

So their religion fuels them? OHWUT?

No one realy knows, and if we did,we would know what encouraged Anders Behring Breivik to attack those innocent people.

Ahem. We do why Anders attacked people. "Breivik confessed and stated the purpose of the attack was to save Norway and Western Europe from a Muslim takeover."
Did I hear ANYTHING about God, Jesus, Christ, or any Christian reference in there? Also the fact that this guy is most likely insane is also a very good viable reason.

Truseeker: Thanks for that back up. I know very little of the Islamic readings.
You know, just because killing goes against the teachings of Christianity doesn't mean that there still can not be Christian terrorist or that people can not kill in the name of Christianity. Every different section of Christianity perceives and interprets the bible and the teachings there own way. Which is why you get groups like the WestBoro Baptist church or even events in history like the Crusades. These are people or events that promoted violence and intolerance and in the case of the Crusades, massive amounts of death to others of alternative religious beliefs.

Just because you are a Christian and don't see the bible one way doesn't mean that others who are also Christian reading the same bible might not get a different understanding from it.
Truseeker wrote:
I agree with you Ganing, a true follower of Christ wouldn't do that unless he fell very far from the faith or seriously for some reason believed that would be ok.

To KidPaddle:
Well the Sharia Law which most traditional Muslims follows is pretty radical, or should I say say a bit brutal. Men can hit their wives, homosexuals killed (I'm not all for homo sexuality either, but that's extreme.), fornicators are to be stoned (There goes half of America!), etc.

"Traditional Muslims who understand the Quran and the hadith believe that sharia (Islamic law) expresses the highest and best goals for all societies. It is the will of Allah." - James Arlandson

Even if Sharia Law had it's ups, those are some pretty big downs.

You agree with Ganing and go against me simply for the reason that i was supported by a few people on the same debate HERE: Acebloke?command=view_post&post=116258#comments

Now i won't need any help to reject and ignore your comment easily:

1-who is JAMES ARLANDSON? He's not a muslim and thats all i care about because his interpretation of islam is bad and he clearly states that his study to know more about islam was because of 9/11 its enough to prove that he's trying to relate the 9/11 event to islam.

You clearly say that the Sharia law is followed by the most traditional muslim.

1-The word "Traditional" has an importance in here?
2-If most Muslims followed the sharia,than there would be A LOT more terrorists than just the few you can name. Wich means again that your facts are either wrong or the source is wrong.
To kill in the name of Christianity would not make you a terrorist though. That's the thing. To attempt to inflict terror or a similar feeling would be the only way to define them as a terrorist.

I understand people can get a different understanding, but if you miss "Thou shalt not kill", I believe that's not a different understanding, that's ignorance.
Kidpaddle45 wrote:
You clearly say that the Sharia law is followed by the most traditional muslim.

1-The word "Traditional" has an importance in here?
2-If most Muslims followed the sharia,than there would be A LOT more terrorists than just the few you can name. Wich means again that your facts are either wrong or the source is wrong.

So you are saying this law is the reason they are terrorists? This law from Islam?
Moussiffer wrote:
You know, just because killing goes against the teachings of Christianity doesn't mean that there still can not be Christian terrorist or that people can not kill in the name of Christianity. Every different section of Christianity perceives and interprets the bible and the teachings there own way. Which is why you get groups like the WestBoro Baptist church or even events in history like the Crusades. These are people or events that promoted violence and intolerance and in the case of the Crusades, massive amounts of death to others of alternative religious beliefs.

Just because you are a Christian and don't see the bible one way doesn't mean that others who are also Christian reading the same bible might not get a different understanding from it.

I've got to thanks Moussiffer for reading this whole page(if you realy did =D)

and thats the point i'm trying to bring in this small debate.
So what you're essentially trying to do is disown this guy from your religion because he made you guys look bad. Its so hypocritical for you to be able to say their are Muslim terrorist but not christian.

Maybe you can see how it feels now for Muslims being stereotyped because of the actions of others. There is no passage in the Qur'an that says you need to go shoot up people, or drive planes in buildings, yet you are perfectly happy to call them terrorist.

It might not be that you are this ignorant, maybe you cant grasp what the word "extremist" means. Its taking the base beliefs and warping them to a level far beyond its origins.

Also you should know that the Muslim belief is almost like adding a third testament to the bible. It keeps a lot of core beliefs from Christianity. That's what makes this so ironic.

Ganing wrote:
Kidpaddle45 wrote:
You clearly say that the Sharia law is followed by the most traditional muslim.

1-The word "Traditional" has an importance in here?
2-If most Muslims followed the sharia,than there would be A LOT more terrorists than just the few you can name. Wich means again that your facts are either wrong or the source is wrong.

So you are saying this law is the reason they are terrorists? This law from Islam?

No i'm saying that if "MOST" muslims followed the sharia than there would be so much more terrorists since i do know a lot of people following the sharia and it's not like the way Truseeker mentions it.I know him and he's trying to end this debate my bringing in some hard to interpret information.All this because of this post again =P (i'll keep pissing you off by showing it to everyone) Acebloke?command=view_post&post=116258#comments
Thank you Boxcar,i'm glad to see some people understanding what i'm trying to explain.It's kind of hard when you're having 2-3 hard headed people against you =P
Was his actions based on his Christian belief?

Bro, you just said that twice, but yet denied it. You said "If they follow this, which is a law, in Islam, there would be more terrorist". So... this law = more terrorist? Tu comprehend?
He believes his actions were based on the christian belief.

2 Maccabees 10:33-38 NAB
"For four days Maccabeus and his men eagerly besieged the fortress.
Those inside, relying on the strength of the place, kept repeating
outrageous blasphemies and uttering abominable words. When the fifth day
dawned, twenty young men in the army of Maccabeus, angered over such
blasphemies, bravely stormed the wall and with savage fury cut down everyone
they encountered."

Si Senior.

Mais mon frere si tu veux faire le malin avec moi va falloir te debrouiller mieux que ca.

It seems you're the one who doesnt understand it if this second post is identical like the one before it,than im arguing with an idiot,hypocrit,an ignorant and maybe a child who can't seem to understand the meaning of terrorism.
Bro, quit calling me ignorant and spelling stuff wrong. That's offensive you know. To you. Cause if I'm ignorant, then you are damn stupid. The meaning of terrorism is simple, "to inflict terror". Perhaps the one who doesn't know the term "racism" should pull out a dictionary.

Excuse me, but I don't seem to know what Maccabees is.
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