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Lately, I've been hearing all this stuff about the Norway shooting and how the guy is a "Christian Extremist" or "Christian Terrorist". Can someone fill me in to where this guy was reading his Bible and he said "time to kill some children because my belief said so?". His killing had nothing to do with his beliefs. People are comparing him to Islamic terrorists, using him as a guilt trip saying that terrorists can be of any belief, any tradition, and whatnot. That it's bad to stereotype.

Are they ignorant? It sounds like they are trying to make it seem as if this guy killed people because that was his religious belief. No, he killed people for another cause. Why do I know this? Because I'm a Christian as well, and I don't remember the Good Book saying anything about murdering kids or how that would help you achieve an afterlife with God. As a matter of fact, it's against his commandments to kill. So how can they say his beliefs have anything to do with it.

He's not a Christian Extremist. Nor a Christian terrorist. Why? Because he's not driven by his Christian beliefs. Whereas Islamic Terrorist are driven by their beliefs that if they do kill people they will receive the virgins and all that yadayada that we all know.

I just felt like clearing this up because I'm seriously tired of hearing about this combined with Christianity. It has nothing to do with it.
I think his killings had everything to do with his beliefs. He's called a Christian Extremist because his views on preserving a Christian Europe, Islam, and his noted attempt to lead a "Christian Movement." He says he's not excessively religious, but says his attacks were meant to symbolize something about his religious and political views, and basically declared it to be an attack from the Knights Templar, an old Christian military.
Well, technically he was a self proclaimed member of a Knights Templar organization. The Knights Templar (in addition to being at the root of a few conspiracy theories) was a Christian military organization used during the Crusades to retake the "holy land" from Muslims. He was also against the multiculturalist movement which led to tons of Muslims immigrating to his country and, as he stated, deconstructing European Christendom. It looks a lot like an attempt to incite a modern Christian Crusade.

You can't just accuse one religion of having it's terrorists while not acknowledging your own.

EDIT: Also the 72 virgins thing is something that Muslims believe EVERY MAN gets when they go to heaven. In fact I believe it was described as the smallest reward for anyone who gets into heaven. It's not a reward for blowing yourself up in a jihad for their religion. Although many practitioners of Islam have probably been led astray to believe so as many Christians have been led astray to believe in things that were never explicitly in their respective holy books.
That's not my religion. He didn't do it for his religion, he did it for the organization. He can say it symbolizes his beliefs, but if that's so then obviously his Christianity isn't my Christianity.
It's like the whole Westboro Baptist Church thing. They obviously missed the whole "God is Love" part of the Bible.

EDIT: If he is a self-proclaimed member of this organization, and he's saying this is an attack from this organization, should we believe him? It just seems so stupid for someone to look at him and go "yup, that guy shure wus a christian".
What you seem to be ignoring is that Islam isn't an inherently violent religion any moreso than Christianity. Discounting the fact that there could possibly be a Christian terrorist because it goes against the bible, and then stating that an Islamic terrorist, who kills in the name of his religion, isn't sinning by their religion's less extremist standards is hypocritical and narrow minded.

The Westboro Baptists are a kind of Christian terrorist group, albeit less violent, and they act in the name of the bible and God, so what makes it so impossible that the same situation isn't going on with Muslim terrorist groups?

Likely, a large part of the reason Muslim terrorist groups are larger and more common is that their society and beliefs have a long standing resentment for Christianity and western society for past violence and hatred between them, just as most Christians have a long standing resentment towards Muslims. Unfortunately, they are still to this day being oppressed in western countries because of their beliefs, and even their skin color. If an Arab man walks into an airport with a briefcase, chances are, he's going to get the deluxe search, solely because he's Arab.

You and a vast majority of western civilization have set up a double standard, that anything you do in the name of God is either true to the bible, or excused as an extremist group that isn't truly Christian, but someone who would be judged the same in Islam culture is still being perfectly true to that religion's teachings.
Speaking bad on other religion would be bad, but i got ur point.

And it is true. He told he was a god, and that he did the right thing by killing innosent people. He knew that he would be hated for the next 2-3 generations, but that after, maybe 60 years, the world would understand his believes.

That is something he have told himself to his lawyer. well, the reason could be world piece, or that he thought he would be seen on as a god after the next 60 years.

IDK, but he sounds sick.

He's not a Christian Extremist. Nor a Christian terrorist. Why? Because he's not driven by his Christian beliefs. Whereas Islamic Terrorist are driven by their beliefs that if they do kill people they will receive the virgins and all that yadayada that we all know.
To be honest, I'm quite ignorant about the Muslim religion. I understand that there are some good and cool muslims. (I used to have a project with one, and he was as cool as it gets)

The whole Arab guy getting searched in an airport is not the fault of Christianity. It sounds like you were saying it that way but I just wanted to make it clear that it's the fault of ignorant racists. Not Christians. Cause I could be white and Muslim, but no one would stop me because I would be white.
Robertbanks2 wrote:
What you seem to be ignoring is that Islam isn't an inherently violent religion any moreso than Christianity.

Jesus was a hippie, whereas Muhammad was a genocidal lunatic. That alone sort of pre-determines the fate of the two religions :P
Clearly the only reason he killed people was because of all those murder simulators he played.
"Can someone fill me in to where this guy was reading his Bible and he said "time to kill some children because my belief said so?". His killing had nothing to do with his beliefs. People are comparing him to Islamic terrorists"

Why would there be Muslim Terrorists but not Christian Terrorists?Neither does the bible or the quran say kill innocent people.

Now you say its not the fault of christians that the arab guys are being searched in airports its the fault of the ignorant racist.
1-Arabs is not = Muslim (even though they mostly are)
2-You stated that you were ignorant about the muslim religion.
3-if you are basing your idea about muslims by working with a "Muslim" guy on a school project.

Than it ends up in my head that people in the airports are all like you and i can only say that you are ignorant,because i found that sentence quiet racist and ignorant coming from you:
"whereas Islamic Terrorist are driven by their beliefs that if they do kill people they will receive the virgins and all that yadayada that we all know."
Kidpaddle45 wrote:
"Can someone fill me in to where this guy was reading his Bible and he said "time to kill some children because my belief said so?". His killing had nothing to do with his beliefs. People are comparing him to Islamic terrorists"

Why would there be Muslim Terrorists but not Christian Terrorists?Neither does the bible or the quran say kill innocent people.

Now you say its not the fault of christians that the arab guys are being searched in airports its the fault of the ignorant racist.
1-Arabs is not = Muslim (even though they mostly are)
2-You stated that you were ignorant about the muslim religion.
3-if you are basing your idea about muslims by working with a "Muslim" guy on a school project.

Than it ends up in my head that people in the airports are all like you and i can only say that you are ignorant,because i found that sentence quiet racist and ignorant coming from you:
"whereas Islamic Terrorist are driven by their beliefs that if they do kill people they will receive the virgins and all that yadayada that we all know."

Explain how that racist.
Jaredoggy wrote:
Jesus was a hippie, whereas Muhammad was a genocidal lunatic. That alone sort of pre-determines the fate of the two religions :P

But...Muslims believe in Jesus too!
-I find it racist that you consider Muslims violent.

-I find it racist that you think "Muslims" kill to receive the virgin and "all that yadayada"

-I find it racist that you call yourself ignorant about the Muslims but yet, dare to talk about Islam.
Kidpaddle45 wrote:
-I find it racist that you consider Muslims violent.

I never said Muslims were violent. I said Islamic terrorists were. Just because they happen to be Muslims doesn't mean I consider the whole religion violent.

-I find it racist that you think "Muslims" kill to receive the virgin and "all that yadayada"

Islamic terrorists. Once again.

-I find it racist that you call yourself ignorant about the Muslim but yet, dare to talk about Islam.

Just lol. Try to make some sense. Seriously.
What needs to make more sense in my head and needs explanation is why in the world you stated you were ignorant about Islam and yet you talk about it as if you studied it all your life.

And the fact that you answered with:
"Just lol. Try to make some sense. Seriously." makes me think that you:

1-Don't understand english
2-Are trying to escape what i would call the "Shut up and learn your facts" comment.
Suddenly, Muslims are a new race of people.
DivineTraveller wrote:
Suddenly, Muslims are a new race of people.

Kidpaddle45... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
DivineTraveller wrote:
Suddenly, Muslims are a new race of people.

Playing with world won't help you or help him in anyway beside im still waiting for your answers Ganing. =D

If racist isn't the right word for ya to understand.
than dear Divine Traveller,what i mean by racist,is that i find his comment quiet offencive and attacking muslims in general.

What you need to get through your head is the term 'racism'. I can be racist to Europeans, cause they are from Europe. I can be racist against Japanese people, cause they are from Japan. I can't, however, be racist toward a (get this, are you ready for it?) religion.
Alright ,keep changing subject,but i'll reformulate it one last time for you.

The big question that i'd like to end this debate with,is:
Why are there Mulims terrorists and not Christians terrorist?

MY answer is: YOU create your terrorist.

-By that i mean ,Anders Behring Breivik attacked innocent people to protect christianity from muslims (and that is not where the problem is).
The problem is that he is no longer considered a christian after this event but yet when its a Muslim who does it,he's an ISLAMIC TERRORIST.

Now,would you mind giving me YOUR answer? Because it seems you didn't understand it when i said "racist" but i find your comments quiet offending and attacking muslims in general.
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